Simple but meaningful application and request logs to be used with koa microservices
Support for rotating files and/or sending to a logging collector fluentd (more to come)
Add to the top of your koa application and pass in koa app to get started:
const app = require('koa')();
const logger = require('micrologger');
This will give you all application and request logs:
Make sure to pass NODE_ENV=development for local development logs
Rotating log files will be saved to 'logs/out.log' in the root of your app. Pass logToFile:true in the options and pass in NODE_ENV=developemnt to use rotating files
That is all you need for micrologger to start collecting and sending logs.
Logging severity/levels:
Fields for Request Logs: class - class field represents the origin of the request. application, client_request or service_request
host - hostname
ident - name of app from package.json
pid - process id
severity - logging level
timestamp - UTC epoch
message - log message with details about application, request, response or error
path - path of request
method - request method
request_id - UID generated to track the individual request
correlation_id - UID generated/forwarded through all services
response_time - UTC epoch of response
resolution_time - track the time for request to be resolved
status - status code
metadata - metadata specific to the request that was made. this can be specific event data that is helpful outside system logs
Example of request logging (the request)
"class": "client_request",
"ident": "app name from package.json",
"message": "GET /status",
"host": "some-host",
"client": "client-ip",
"path": "/status",
"method": "GET",
"request_id": "3eeb945c-f5b5-4431-a5fe-177dfae7fec5",
"correlation_id": "d4cc5b41-c023-49bc-a55e-558093918de4",
"request_time": "2016-12-21T21:05:57.620Z",
"severity": "INFO",
"metadata": {}
Example of request logging (the response)
"class": "client_request",
"ident": "app name from package.json",
"message": "200 OK /",
"host": "some-host",
"client": "client-ip",
"path": "/status",
"method": "GET",
"request_id": "33931f5e-9915-466c-9d23-10977ab48da6",
"correlation_id": "d4cc5b41-c023-49bc-a55e-558093918de4",
"response_time": "2016-12-21T21:05:57.920Z",
"resolution_time": "300ms",
"status": 200,
"severity": "INFO",
"metadata": {},
The correlation id will be generated if the x-correlation-id isn't found in the header. Services should pass this along in the header.
NODE_ENV=development node server
For local development you will get the following in the console: system errors, request, and response
You can add fluentd as a collector
add the fluent block below and all the logs will be sent to fluentd
fluent: {
host: '',
port: '24224'
node server
Example of application error in /logs/out.log
"class": "application",
"host": "some-host",
"pid": 40293,
"severity": "ERROR",
"timestamp": "2016-12-21T18:00:08.582Z",
"message": "ReferenceError: thi is not defined at of stack trace"
}'Info Message');
logger.error('Some error message');
The info and error message will be logged with the following structure:
"class": "application",
"host": "some-host",
"pid": 40293,
"severity": "INFO",
"timestamp": "2016-12-21T18:00:08.582Z",
"message": "Info Message"
"class": "application",
"host": "some-host",
"pid": 40293,
"severity": "ERROR",
"timestamp": "2016-12-21T18:00:08.582Z",
"message": "Some error message"
logsToFile: false,
appLogs: true,
backgroundColor: 'dark',
fluent: {
host: '',
port: '24224'
- logToFile: (optional, default is false)
- appLogs: (optional, default is true) if set to false application errors will not be logged. This does not include request errors
- backgroundColor: (optional) this is the background color of your terminal. options are dark/light (default is dark)
- fluent with host, port