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A tool for formatting Markdown content with padding.
- Ensures consistent spacing before and after Markdown elements like headings, lists, and code blocks.
- Aligns tables by formatting column spacing properly.
- Supports formatting inside code blocks and recognizes mathematical expressions, HTML elements, YAML front matter, and fenced code blocks for correct formatting.
- Applies an extended AST parsing to ensure natural language structures like punctuations and latin characters are padded correctly.
Here's a change made by md-padding:
- # 如何中ArchLinux中安装X11?
+ # 如何中 ArchLinux 中安装 X11?
- 首先要安装ArchLinux,然后安装`xorg-server`软件包:
+ 首先要安装 ArchLinux,然后安装 `xorg-server` 软件包:
- 确保你的xorg-server版本已经足够高,比如>=1.20,然后安装**合适**的驱动:
+ 确保你的 xorg-server 版本已经足够高,比如 >= 1.20,然后安装 **合适** 的驱动:
- 如果你需要3D加速等新的功能,可能还需要安装*闭源驱动*。详情请参考[ArchWiki里的对应章节](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xorg)。
+ 如果你需要 3D 加速等新的功能,可能还需要安装 *闭源驱动*。详情请参考 [ArchWiki 里的对应章节](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xorg)。
npx md-padding -i README.md # fix the file in place
npx md-padding README.md # output the fixed content
For more options:
> npx md-padding --help
md-padding [OPTION]... <FILE>
--help, -h Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--in-place, -i Edit file in place [boolean]
--ignore-words, -I Ignore padding for specific words [string]
--ignore-patterns, -P Ignore specific patterns using regex [string]
--read-files, -r Read file list from input, one file per line [string]
stdout md-padding README.md
in-place md-padding -i README.md
pipe cat README.md | md-padding
ignore-words cat README.md | md-padding -I '=' '::'
ignore-patterns cat README.md | md-padding -P '=' ':+'
batch format cat list.txt | md-padding -r -i
equivalent w/ md-padding -r list.txt -i
Map the F6
key to format Markdown files:
" Hotkey for md-padding format
noremap <buffer> <F6> <Esc>:%!npx md-padding<CR>
Install the Markdown Padding extension.
- Open Command Palette (
Ctrl + Shift + P
on Windows/Linux,Cmd + Shift + P
on macOS) and runMarkdown Padding
. - Use the default formatting shortcut:
Shift + Alt + F
(Windows)Shift + Option + F
(Mac)Ctrl + Shift + I
Setting | Type | Description |
mdpadding.ignoreWords |
Array<string> |
Words to exclude from padding adjustments |
mdpadding.ignorePatterns |
Array<string> |
Regular expressions defining patterns to ignore |
You can exclude certain sections from formatting using the md-padding-ignore
Some text before the ignored section.
a*b=c, b>1 => a<c
This text will be formatted as usual.