This is an unofficial node module and command line tool for It allows to search a turkish-english word from your node app and command line (must be installed globally)
This module does not have really good implementation because I am new to nodeJS and I have never done something with jQuery before. I did it to have a little bit jQuery and npm.
Since, does not provide an open API. It uses request to send request and cheerio to parse html.
npm install turengjs
to use in your node projects or add it to package.json then require('turengjs')
anywhere in the app.
npm intall -g turengjs
to use from directly command line.
as a command line tool: $ tureng <word>
as a module:
var tureng = require('turengjs');
tureng('a word', function(error, data) {
if(!error) {
// do sometihng with data
Example result:
"name":"Common Usage",