全自动的插入,查询,更新,删除, an automatic database operation thread-safe and not afraid of recursive deadlock
Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
Flat button with 9 different states using POP
WYPopoverController is for the presentation of content in popover on iPhone / iPad devices. Very customizable.
A collection of awesome flat UI components for iOS.
Paging indicator widgets,iOS版的分页指示器,可以配合UIScrollView使用完成分页控制
Codeless drop-in universal library allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover UITextField/UITextView. Neither need to write any code nor any setup required and much more.
Elastic pull to refresh for iOS developed in Swift
An extensible iOS and OS X animation library, useful for physics-based interactions.
SwipePageViewController is a RKSwipeBetweenViewControllers implemented with Swift