BookingToken is an ERC-721 NFT contract with additional functionalities.
Please be aware that this smart contract code is not optimized for gas and, more importantly, it is not currently coded with security in mind. Do not use in production.
Contract implements a few functions to be used for the Camino Messenger's booking process.
registerSupplier(string supplierName)
This function registers the caller by giving them the MINTER_ROLE
, enabling them to mint tokens. There is no authorization control for now; this is only for testing and development.
safeMint(address reservedFor, string memory uri, uint256 expirationTimestamp)
This function is modified according to the use case. It takes an address, a URI, and an expiration timestamp (Unix). It mints a token, sets the owner as the caller (supplier), stores the given address in the _reservedFor
mapping, sets the URI to tokenURI
, and sets the expirationTimestamp
. The timestamp must be at least 60 seconds in the future, checked against the block's timestamp.
buy(uint256 tokenId)
This function should be called by the buyer, who has the address that the token is reserved for. When called, the token is transferred from the supplier to the buyer's address, and the reservation and expiration are deleted.
getSupplierName(address supplier)
Returns the supplier name for the given address
. This can be used to check if an address is a supplier (i.e., if it called registerSupplier
getTokenSupplier(uint256 tokenId)
Returns the supplier's address that created the provided tokenId
The contract is deployed to the Columbus testnet. The contract address is below:
On CaminoScan:
There are two tasks created for Hardhat, supplier
and buyer
. To use them, you should set some vars with Hardhat. You can check which variables need to be set using the yarn hardhat vars setup
For interacting with the contract, only the following variables are necessary: SUPPLIER_PRIVATE_KEY
$ yarn hardhat vars setup
yarn run v1.22.19
$ /hgst/work/ vars setup
The following configuration variables are optional:
npx hardhat vars set COLUMBUS_URL
Configuration variables already set:
Done in 0.46s.
You can also use --help
to get information about the tasks:
$ yarn supplier mint --help
yarn run v1.22.19
$ yarn hardhat supplier mint --help
$ /hgst/work/ supplier mint --help
Hardhat version 2.22.4
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] supplier mint --expiration <STRING> --reserved-for <STRING> --uri <STRING>
--expiration Expiration timestamp
--reserved-for Address this token is reserved for buying
--uri URI of the token
mint: Mints a booking token
For global options help run: hardhat help
Done in 0.79s.
yarn buyer buy --help
yarn run v1.22.19
$ yarn hardhat buyer buy --help
$ /hgst/work/ buyer buy --help
Hardhat version 2.22.4
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] buyer buy --token-id <STRING>
--token-id Token ID to buy
buy: Buys a reserved booking token
For global options help run: hardhat help
Done in 0.76s.
This registers a supplier with the contract using the given supplier name. This is required before minting a token.
yarn supplier register --name "<Supplier Name>" --network columbus
yarn supplier mint --reserved-for <reserved-for-address>
--uri <token-uri> --expiration <timestamp> --network <network>
yarn supplier mint --reserved-for 0x70b150b486f207fb7aa4ad958124c58b66a47664 \
--uri 'data:application/json;base64,eyJuYW1lIjoiQ2FtaW5vIE1lc3NlbmdlciBCb29raW5nVG9rZW4gVGVzdCJ9Cg=='
--expiration `date -d "60 minutes" +%s`
--network columbus
The URI used in this example is a base64 encoded JSON that includes only a name for the token. You can also create your own with the command below, or you can host your JSON on IPFS and use the URL instead.
echo '{"name":"Camino Messenger BookingToken Test"}'| base64 -w 0
This task transfers the reserved token from the supplier to the buyer.
yarn buyer buy --token-id <token-id> --network columbus
The repository also contains an example Go application to interact with the BookingToken contract. It has similar commands.
$ go run bookctl.go --help
or if you have built it:
$ ./bookctl --help
Interact with the booking token smart contract
bookctl [command]
Available Commands:
buy Buy a token reserved for your address using <buyer_private_key> in the config.
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
mint Mint a new token.
register Register a new supplier using the <supplier_private_key> in the config.
--config string config file (default is ./config.yaml)
-h, --help help for bookctl
Use "bookctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Required variables are set using a config file. In the folder, there is an example-config.yaml
file. Copy this file as config.yaml
and fill in the details. The application will try to read the config file from the current directory, or you can also set the config file path using the --config
Example Command:
go run bookctl.go mint 0x70b150b486f207fb7aa4ad958124c58b66a47664 \
'data:application/json;base64,eyJuYW1lIjoiQ2FtaW5vIE1lc3NlbmdlciBCb29raW5nVG9rZW4gVGVzdCJ9Cg==' \
--config ~/.config/bookctl.yaml
Example Config File:
# Example config file. Rename it to "config.yaml" and fill in the details.
# Provided values are defaults.
rpc_url: ""
booking_token_addr: "0xd4e2D76E656b5060F6f43317E8d89ea81eb5fF8D"
supplier_private_key: "<SUPPLIER PRIVATE KEY>"
buyer_private_key: "<BUYER PRIVATE KEY>"
abi_file: "abi/BookingTokenV0.abi"
- Refactor to use upgradeable contracts