- Bengaluru
startup-kit-templates Public
Forked from aws-samples/startup-kit-templatesCloudFormation templates to accelerate getting started on AWS.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 2, 2018 -
Instagram-Search-API-Python Public
Forked from tomkdickinson/Instagram-Search-API-PythonA python library for searching most recent hashtags via Instagrams search engine
cloudformation-fargate-codepipeline-ecs-refarch Public
Forked from laser/cloudformation-fargate-codepipeline-ecs-refarchProvision an ECS cluster (and related infrastructure) with CloudFormation, updating services from CodePipeline
Ruby MIT License UpdatedFeb 1, 2018 -
flask-uwsgi-Docker Public
A docker file to run a flask application using uwsgi
2 UpdatedOct 27, 2017 -
parse-email Public
A simply solution for parsing the email in Python 2.7.x
Python UpdatedSep 23, 2017 -
google-services Public
Forked from googlesamples/google-servicesA collection of quickstart samples demonstrating the Google APIs for Android and iOS
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 3, 2017 -
swagger-editor Public
Forked from swagger-api/swagger-editorSwagger Editor
JavaScript Other UpdatedFeb 23, 2017 -
flask-video-streaming Public
Forked from miguelgrinberg/flask-video-streamingSupporting code for my article on video streaming with Flask.
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 5, 2017 -
spring-cloud-oauth2-example Public
Forked from xetys/spring-cloud-oauth2-exampleAn example of spring oauth2 authorization and resource server using JWT
Java UpdatedFeb 1, 2016 -
spring-security-oauth2-google Public
Forked from skate056/spring-security-oauth2-googleSample Spring MVC web application which is secured by Spring Security OAuth2 + Google
Java UpdatedDec 11, 2015 -
python-calendar-invite Public
Calendar invite through python
Design-Patterns-in-Python Public
Forked from gennad/Design-Patterns-in-PythonA collection of popular design patterns implemented in Python programming language
Python UpdatedMay 7, 2015 -
Setting up of Apache cross origin resource in virtual-host.conf
log4j-socketappender Public
A custom Log4J's SocketAppender, communicates between logging server and various clients who invoke events
Java UpdatedFeb 12, 2015 -
apache-flask Public
Forked from muneeb-ali/apache-flaskPython Flask (web framework) deployed with Apache
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 19, 2014 -
QuizAngular Public
Forked from lagix/QuizAngularQuiz desenvolvido com AngularJS - http://brunolage.ninja/exemplo/quiz/perguntas.html
JavaScript UpdatedOct 8, 2014