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nebulaorm is an orm framework designed specifically for nebula graph, which aims to improve the experience of using nebula graph with golang by chaining calls to splice nGQL statements in a more elegant and faster way, and parsing the returned result set and assigning it to developer-supplied variables.


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nebulaorm is an orm framework designed specifically for nebula graph. It aims to improve the golang experience with nebula graph by chaining together nGQL statements in a more elegant and faster way, and parsing the returned result set and assigning it to developer-supplied variables.


go get

Quick Start

// Player vertex player
type Player struct {
    VID  string `norm:"vertex_id"`
    Name string `norm:"prop:name"`
    Age  int    `norm:"prop:age"`

func (p Player) VertexID() string {
    return p.VID

func (p Player) VertexTagName() string {
    return "player"

// Team vertex team
type Team struct {
    VID  string `norm:"vertex_id"`
    Name string `norm:"prop:name"`

func (t Team) VertexID() string {
    return t.VID

func (t Team) VertexTagName() string {
    return "team"

// Serve edge Serve
type Serve struct {
    SrcID     string `norm:"edge_src_id"`
    DstID     string `norm:"edge_dst_id"`
    Rank      int    `norm:"edge_rank"`
    StartYear int64  `norm:"prop:start_year"`
    EndYear   int64  `norm:"prop:end_year"`

func (s Serve) EdgeTypeName() string {
    return "serve"

func main() {
    // initialize the db object
    conf := &nebulaorm.Config{
        Username:    "root",
        Password:    "nebula",
        SpaceName:   "demo_basketballplayer",
        Addresses:   []string{""},
    db, err := nebulaorm.Open(conf)
    if err != nil {
    defer db.Close()
    // insert the player vertex
    player := &Player{
        VID:  "player1001",
        Name: "Kobe Bryant",
        Age:  33,
    if err := db.InsertVertex(player).Exec(); err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("insert player failed: %v", err)
    // insert the team vertex
    team := &Team{
        VID:  "team1001",
        Name: "Lakers",
    if err := db.InsertVertex(team).Exec(); err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("insert team failed: %v", err)
    // insert the serve edge
    serve := &Serve{
        SrcID:     "player1001",
        DstID:     "team1001",
        StartYear: time.Date(1996, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local).Unix(),
        EndYear:   time.Date(2012, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local).Unix(),
    if err := db.InsertEdge(serve).Exec(); err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("insert serve failed: %v", err)

    // find the player vertex
    player = new(Player)
    err = db.
        Fetch("player", "player1001").
        Yield("vertex as v").
        FindCol("v", player)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("fetch player failed: %v", err)
    log.Printf("player: %+v", player)
    // count the number of vertexes that the player vertex connects through different edges
    type edgeCnt struct {
        Edge string `norm:"col:e"`
        Cnt  int    `norm:"col:cnt"`
    edgesCnt := make([]*edgeCnt, 0)
    err = db.Go().
        Yield("type(edge) as t").
        Yield("$-.t as e, count(*) as cnt").
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("get edge cnt failed: %v", err)
    for _, c := range edgesCnt {
        log.Printf("edge cnt: %+v\n", c)


  • Fast splicing of nGQL by chained calls
  • Friendly support for parsing and assigning compound types such as vertex, edge, list, map, set
  • Supports struct embedding, allowing for elegant code reuse
  • Fully unit tested
  • Developer Friendly


Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request.


This project was inspired and helped by the following open source projects during the development process:

  • gorm: The fantastic ORM library for Golang, aims to be developer friendly.

Thanks to the authors of these projects for their contributions to the open source community!


2024-NOW hayson

Released under the MIT License


nebulaorm is an orm framework designed specifically for nebula graph, which aims to improve the experience of using nebula graph with golang by chaining calls to splice nGQL statements in a more elegant and faster way, and parsing the returned result set and assigning it to developer-supplied variables.








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