A curated list of great Flipper plugins
- Ktp Plugin - A flipper plugin to analyse Toothpick DI runtime scope tree.
- LifeCycle / BackStack Plugin - This Flipper plugin is an app introspection plugin focused on application life cycle.
- MMKV Viewer Plugin - View or edit the key-value inside the MMKV (WeChat key-value storage) file.
- Protobuf Retrofit Inspection Plugin - Add support for Protobuf network payload inspection automatically from Retrofit.
- Realm Plugin - Android Realm database driver for Facebook Flipper.
- Stetho / Dumper Replacement Plugin - Drop in replacement for Stetho to expose dumper plugins in Flipper.
- Tabular Data Plugin - Display tables of data easily in Flipper.
- Thread Inspector Plugin - Show a table of threads and their stacks.
- Async Storage Plugin - React Native's Async Storage logger for Flipper.
- Bridge Spy Plugin - React Native bridge spy Flipper plugin.
- MobX Log Plugin - Allows you read React Native MobX logs inside Flipper including action and state comparison.
- React Native Database Plugin - This React Native plugin allows browsing popular React Native databases using Flipper built-in Databases plugin.
- React Native Logging Plugin - A flipper plugin to display all events sent to different service via react-native-logging-tools.
- React Native Performance Plugin - Monitor and measure React Native performance.
- React Native Performance Monitor for Android Plugin - Monitor FPS rendering on Android.
- React Navigation Plugin - Routing and navigation for your React Native apps.
- React Query Devtools - Bringing the React Query Devtools experience to React Native.
- Redux Debugger Plugin - Flipper plugin for Redux in React Native.
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