This Angular 2 project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.0.0. Due to time constraints, it retains a number of legacy files and dependencies that could be purged.
This project is minimally styled, but I am a style guru! For samples of my front end work, please see:
Run ng serve
for a dev server at http://localhost:4200/
. The app utilized live reload if for any source files.
- App -- layout, module imports, declarations, providers and bootstrapping
- Components -- Merchant Form
- Merchant-Service -- HTTP, mock data
Increase specificity & robustness of tests
Pull from shippingOptions, dimensions, materials at load (eventually over server)
Pull from subsets shippingOptions, dimensions, materials as move through selections
Calculate shipping costs, shipping costs (do this client side) as user orders
Use precompiler for styles. Set styles-global folder with styles vars & utils. Break remaining styles into importable components.
Standardize BEM classing conventions (allows porting into multiple contexts seamlessly)
-->(Moving towards websockets): check for status updates (on DB) on load. Setup webhooks that can be called when a step is completed while user is logged on.
AppComponent test written. Else, TODO. Run ng test
to execute the unit tests via Karma.
TODO. Run ng e2e
to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.
Must be serving the app via ng serve
TODO Run ng
to execute bitmap & regression tests via Backstop.
Must be serving the app via ng serve
TODO -- Initially: manually test via Browserstack Possibly upgrade to automation testing, e.g., via Cucumber
TODO: Run tests w/ Travis || Circle CI