A free note-taking software for programmers and Computer Science students
zhumeng11 / IPTV
Forked from Meroser/IPTV📺IPTV电视直播,IPv6源[全网可用],完善的台标,几近完美的EPG节目预告🎈[强迫症福音]
每天自动更新IPTV直播源,支持IPV4/IPV6双栈访问!自定义频道,高质量直播源,❌不含有广告。Automatically update IPTV live streaming sources every day, supporting IPV4/IPV6 dual stack access! Custom channels, high-quality live streaming so…
A lightweight macOS app for displaying calendar and time
🚀 免费订阅地址,🚀 免费节点,🚀 6小时更新一次,共享节点,节点质量高可用,完全免费。免费clash订阅地址,免费翻墙、免费科学上网、免费梯子、免费ss/v2ray/trojan节点、谷歌商店、翻墙梯子。🚀 Free subscription address, 🚀 Free node, 🚀 Updated every 6 hours, shared node, high-quality n…
✯ 可直连访问的电视/广播图标库与相关工具项目 ✯ 🔕 永久免费 直连访问 完整开源 不断完善的台标 支持IPv4/IPv6双栈访问 🔕
《Hello 算法》:动画图解、一键运行的数据结构与算法教程。支持 Python, Java, C++, C, C#, JS, Go, Swift, Rust, Ruby, Kotlin, TS, Dart 代码。简体版和繁体版同步更新,English version ongoing
An open source online judge system base on Django REST framework and Vue.js !
The Orator ORM provides a simple yet beautiful ActiveRecord implementation.
A lightweight screen recorder based on ScreenCapture Kit for macOS / 基于 ScreenCapture Kit 的轻量化多功能 macOS 录屏工具
Blockly that's more Python than JavaScript, powered with Skulpt
amirhamza05 / ide
Forked from judge0/ideSimple, free and open-source online code editor.
This is an online compiler that can compile and run C\C++ And Java Program. This online compiler is a part of my 5th semester project "RUET Online Judge" . Developed By Ashadullah Shawon
You can compile your code using this compiler.