This package below will compare two JuMP models, which can either be created directly in JuMP or loaded from a model file (e.g., LP, MPS). The following comparisons are made:
1. Variable names
2. Variable bounds
3. Constraint types
4. Constraint names
5. Constraint coefficients
6. Constraint sets
7. Objective function
The major assumption is that the variables have the same names in both models. Otherwise, the variables are assumed to be different.
model1 = "./example/Small_A.mps"
model2 = "./example/Small_B.mps"
using JuMP
using CompareJuMPModels
m1 = read_from_file(model1)
m2 = read_from_file(model2)
diffs = run_model_comparisons(m1, m2)