Welcome to the first Angular workshop! Here are a few things to get you guys started:
#First-timers Here are the steps to get you going
1. Sign up with http://c9.io
Clone from URL with the GitHub repository URL
Run your project (green button at the top), and check your console output for this:
Click the link in the console. If you see "Hello world", you're set!
For your workshop, you will use the following features of angular:
- ng-repeat
- filter
- sort
- scopes
- http retrieval
Each of these can be found via the AngularJS documentation
Given a json object that you'll retrieve asynchronously from this file*, create a table that:
- Lets you sort on the handful of attributes
- Allows you to filter down the list via an input box.
*Note for humans: Use this simple json printer to see things