Deep Learning fingerprint recognition using Tensorflow2.
FingerNet is an universal deep ConvNet for extracting fingerprint representations including orientation field, segmentation, enhenced fingerprint and minutiae.
Tensorflow slim implementation of spoofnet presented in the paper: Deep Representations for Iris, Face, and Fingerprint Spoofing Detection, 2015
Source code corresponding to the blog article: 指纹识别源代码(1)-图像处理 指纹识别源代码(2)-特征点提取
Implementation of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model in Pytorch
An implementations of fingerprint recognition algorithm
A system for identifying latent fingerprints. Created at Michigan State University by Anil K. Jain, Kai Cao, Dinh-Luan Nguyen, and Cori Tymoszek.
👻 This repository compiles a list of papers related to intellectual property (IP) protection for deep learning models.
Minutiae-based fingerprint matching implementation
Official Implementation of the paper "Synthesis and Reconstruction of Fingerprints using Generative Adversarial Networks".
A project focused on generating synthetic fingerprint images using deep learning and image processing techniques. Aims to create realistic fingerprints for use in biometric research, security testi…
Image Watermarking Using DWT-DCT-SVD
Hybrid Watermarking Technique for image authentication using biometrics
Using oriented gabor filters to enhance fingerprint images
Extract minutiae features from fingerprint images
Code for fingerprint ridge counting using image processing: identifies optimal regions, enhances images, counts ridges via diagonal analysis for accurate results.
Matching minutiae (ridge & bifurcation) points using affine invariant transform features
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Curated collection of human fingerprint datasets suitable for research and evaluation of fingerprint recognition algorithms.
A collection list of AIGC detection related papers.
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