Using this gem, whenever a capybara cucumber scenario fails, the HTML for the failed page and a screenshot (when using capybara-webkit) is saved into /tmp/capybara.
This is a huge help when trying to diagnose a problem in your failing steps as you can view the source code and potentially how the page looked at the time of the failure.
gem install capybara-screenshot
or update your Gemfile to include:
group :test do
gem 'capybara-screenshot'
That's it!
A simple Rails 3.1 example application has been set up at
Git clone the app, and then run Cucumber rake cucumber
or RSpec rspec spec/**/*_spec.rb
and expect failures.
Then check the tmp/capybara folder for the automatic screen shots generated from failed tests.
Please fork, submit patches or feedback at
The gem details on can be found at
This gem was written by Matthew O'Riordan
Copyright © 2011 Matthew O'Riordan, inc. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.