JLog - Rails integration with server side logger for JLog.js
See docs: http://dimalev.github.com/jlog-rails/
In the Gemfile:
gem 'jlog-rails'
rails g jlog:install
On the client-side:
var logger = JLog.getLogger("package.class");
logger.addAppender(new JLog.AjaxAppender('/jlog/append'));
logger.warn('warning to be recorded in the server-side log');
- 0.2.3
- Using console error/warn facility to make console appender more verbose
- Moving all the sources into separate file; adding Makefile to create one output file
- 0.2.2
- Removed jquery-rails dependency
- Fixed an issue with multi-line logging
- 0.2.1 Bugfix
- Added helpers to format Error backtraces
- Removed the just_underscore dependancy from gemspecs
- 0.2.0 Switching to use log4javascript code base
- Added LoggingEvent class to encapsulate log event.
- Added Appender and Layout base classes to format and output log events.
- Pattern layout with custom fields.
- Logger error handler to handle errors inside logger.
- 0.1.3
- Set jQuery $.ajax 'global' setting to false to prevent the global handlers like ajaxStart or ajaxStop from being triggered.
- 0.1.1
- Cleaned JLog.JS code
- 0.1.0
- JLog rails engine can now be mounted several times
- Added ability to configure the ruby logger(s) and the output format(s)
- Fixed JSHint warnings
- 0.0.3
- Adding bulk flush in the ajax appender
- 0.0.2
- Changed format of output message
- InstallGenerator now updates application.js
- 0.0.1
- Added InstallGenerator
- Renamed JLog to Jlog
- Moved to AjaxController ActionController::Metal
- Added support for server-side logging of client events with Rails.logger
- Added AjaxAppender
- Initial port of jlog.js