Scripts to replicate the results in Ju et al. Cell Reports Methods 2024
Distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license for personal and academic usage only.
- samtools
- bedtools
- ichorCNA
- R packages: creditmodel, gbm, caret, pROC, dplyr, Rmisc, ggplot2
- Hg38 human reference genome
You can download the file from
- GM12878 nucleosome track
You can download the file from
then use following command to parse this file:
zcat Homo_sapiens.hsNuc0390101.nucleosome.DANPOSPeak.bed.gz | \
perl -lane '$c=($F[1]+$F[2])>>1; print join("\t", $F[0], $c-73, $c+1+73, $F[3]) if $F[0]=~/chr\d+$/' | \
sort -k1,1 -k2,2n | gzip >hsNuc0390101.DANPOSPeak.ext73.bed.gz
The script is
under end.selection
directory. To run it, you need to prepare a 2-column file that
records the sample id and path to the bed file from paired-end cfDNA sequencing reads (could be gzipped) separated by TAB.
Here is an example of this file:
s1 /path/to/s1.bed.gz
s2 /path/to/s2/s2.bed.gz
For BED format, please see
(the first 6 columns are required).
Here are some example records for BED file:
chr1 805429 805626 LH00128:50:222KJ3LT4:7:1389:34785:19840 31 -
chr1 805768 805955 LH00128:50:222KJ3LT4:7:2219:47967:23637 30 +
chr1 806265 806427 LH00128:50:222KJ3LT4:7:2248:21854:11324 32 +
The script to build EXCEL model is
under EXCEL
directory. We had already included the features for Cristiano et al. dataset,
and this script will build 3 EXCEL models using N-index, Delta-S, and Delta-M features, respectively.