A power-packed series of Javascript classes for managing IFRAMEs for Sencha products.
Note: Effective Ext 4, ManagedIframe releases will be linked with the similar versioning strategy.
Legacy releases of the ManagedIframe series have NOT YET been moved here from code.google at this time. Versions 1.* and 2.* will be migrated to GIT from code.google during this process.
There is no such thing ;)
Some updates planned, but nothing major.
The release that WILL NEVER BE.
New stuff: ( SEAMLESS Emulation and Frame event bubbling )!
- cross-frame 'postMessage' emulation (for HTML5 and legacy browsers, same-origin only)
- 'seamless' emulation (for HTML5 and legacy browsers, same-origin only)
- full frame-document-event-bubbling (*click, mouse* ) events. Define only the ones you are interested in, available to your Controllers, and every thing you need for drag-drop. ;)
ManagedIframe is now implemented as a Sencha Command package for Ext release 4.2.
Products such as Sencha Architect will be using this mechanism to import external modular packages for use during UI design. As such, ManagedIframe classes will be easier to get, import, customize, and build (Sencha Command 3.1.2+ required).
The latest branch is located https://github.com/hendricd/ManagedIframe/tree/MIF_4.2 .