This repository contains examples, use-cases and demos for modern architectures that you can use with OLTRA (one lab to rule all).
OLTRA can be deployed either in F5's UDF environment or in the public cloud provider of your choice (AWS or Azure) with the use of Terraform/Ansible. OLTRA is maintained by F5's EMEA Solution Architect team. The high level diagram for OLTRA environment can be found below along with the technologies that are being used on this lab.
The technologies used for this environment along with their credentials are shown on the following table.
Name | Notes | Credentials |
BIGIP (15.1) | Standalone BIGIP that has the LTM/ASM/DNS/AFM modules provisioned. | admin / Ingresslab123 |
NGINX IC | Runs inside the K8s cluster. There are 2 primarly deployments of NGINX KIC. One deployment with IngressClass infra that handles infrastructure components like Prometheus, Grafana and ArgoCD and another deployment with ingressclass plus that uis used for demos, use-cases and examples. The NGINX+ Ingress Controller version used is 2.2.2 |
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CIS | Runs inside the K8s cluster. There are 2 CIS instances running inside the cluster. cis-crd instance is used to deploy services based on VirtualServer/TransportServer CRDs and ServiceType LB whereas cis-ingress instance is used for Ingress Resources and ConfiMaps |
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K8s Cluster | 3 node Kubernetes cluster (Master, Node01 and Node02) running verion 1.22 | - |
GitLab | Runs on a dedicated server and provides three main functionalities: - Source Code Management ( - CI/CD - Container registry ( |
root / Ingresslab123 |
ArgoCD | Argo CD is implemented as a kubernetes controller which continuously monitors running applications and compares the current, live state against the desired target state (as specified in the Git repo). | admin / Ingresslab123 |
Elasticsearch | Elastic runs as an instance on the "Docker" system and its main purpose is to store the Access, Error and Security logs for NAP, NGINX and BIGIP. | - |
Logstash | Logstash runs as an instance on the "Docker" system and its main purpose is to process the logs, parse them and then forward them to Elastic. | - |
VSCode | Runs VScode through a web interface on the "Client" system. | - |
Prometheus | Runs in K8s and provides a time-series storage for monitoring both BIGIP and NGINX+. | - |
Grafana | Multiple Dashboards have been developed for displaying metrics/events from both Prometheus and Elastic. Runs in K8s. | admin / Ingresslab123 |
The use-case build for OLTRA can be found below:
- Building Multi-tenant Ingress services
- Deploying Multi-cluster services K8s with CIS and NGINX
- Building a 2 Tier Architecture with with CIS and NGINX
- Building Custom Templates for NGINX Ingress Controller
- Using GitOps to publish NGINX Ingress Controller with BIGIP
- Building a K8s DevSecOps infrastructure with NGINX App Protect
- Using Argo CD to provide continuous delivery for NGINX App Protect
The demos build for OLTRA can be found below:
- Monitoring BIGIP services with Prometheus, Grafana and Elastic
- Monitoring NGINX+ Ingress services with Prometheus, Grafana and Elastic
- Monitoring NGINX App Protect with Grafana
The examples build for OLTRA can be found below:
- Ingress resource examples with NGINX+
- CRD examples with NGINX+
- Publishing NGINX with IngressLink
- Service Type LoadBalancer with CIS
- NGINX App protect examples
- Service Type LoadBalancer with CIS
- Ingress resource examples with CIS
- CRD examples with CIS
- DNS Publishing of K8s services with CIS
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