WeFit - Digital Service Design
- Curitiba, Paraná - Brazil
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/henriquekramer/
Repositório criado com intuito de reunir expressões regulares dentro do contexto Brasil
⚡ Next.js storefront for high-performance eCommerce with AI features and one-click deployment
Type-safe search params state manager for React frameworks - Like useState, but stored in the URL query string.
A Next.js Top Loading Bar component made using nprogress, works with Next.js 14 , Next.js 13 and React.
Axios adapter that allows to easily mock requests
A long list of (advanced) JavaScript questions, and their explanations ✨
📜 33 Conceitos que todo desenvolvedor JS deve conhecer.
Repositório do Vídeo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0lBIr3wIcc
ESLint configuration used by Rocketseat
👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React
Curso completo em português da linguagem Go, de zero a ninja! 🇧🇷
Support for TypeScript's path mapping in Vite
Animated hamburger menu icons for React.js weighs only 1.5 KB.
Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript
Lista de contatos feita em React com o intuito de aplicar meus conhecimentos sobre Hooks.
Repositório responsável pelo Curso de TypeScript - Zero to Hero
Formulário de login e registro com validação e animações.
Build beautiful scroll experiences using minimal code
Accessible modal dialog component for React
A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.