This tarball contains the following vim plugins and programmes:
#programes: ag - silver searcher
vim-surround " Encapsulate text in chars
vim-fugitive " Adds git functionality
nerdcommenter " Smart IDE like commenting
gruvbox " Color Scheme
auto-pairs " Autocomplete brackets
ale " Linter manager (needs seperate lints)
vim-airline " Better status bar
vim-airline-themes " Airline status bar themes
nerdtree " Folder structure viewer
jedi-vim, {'for': 'python'} " Python auto features
onehalf, { 'rtp': 'vim' } " A nice colour scheme
any-jump.vim " Jump to ref/def
SimpylFold " Code folding
fzf', { 'do': { -> fzf#install() } } " enable fzy finder
fzf.vim " Fuzzy finder