- Dublin
(UTC -12:00) - henrym2.github.io
github-avatar-to-ANSII Public
Python script for rendering a users avatar in ANSII colors on a terminal
Python UpdatedOct 10, 2024 -
pomodoro-tracker-react Public
A basic pomodoro tracker built using reactJS
JavaScript UpdatedJan 5, 2023 -
github-SWENG-vis Public
Github user statistics visualization web app, build using Vue.js
Vue UpdatedJan 5, 2023 -
secure-social Public
A secure Social media website built with Vue.js and Vue router for the TCD Telecoms and Cryptography module
Data quality dashboard for the FAIRVASC project as part of my final year project for 4th year SCSS in Trinity College Dublin
Vue UpdatedApr 6, 2021 -
golang-web-proxy Public
A simple Golang web proxy written to include an exclusion list and cache for web pages.
Go UpdatedMar 8, 2021 -
console.oof Public
A Node.js package for quickly throwing out more interesting console.log messages while debugging
tcd-get-papers Public
A simple web tool for finding and filtering past exam papers on TCD AR
HTML UpdatedJan 31, 2021 -
CSU44052-ComputerGraphics Public
CSU44052-ComputerGraphics - Computer graphics module ICS 4th year
recipes-contrib Public
Forked from symfony/recipes-contribSymfony Contrib Recipes Repositories
PHP MIT License UpdatedSep 3, 2020 -
NelmioSecurityBundle Public
Forked from nelmio/NelmioSecurityBundleExtra security-related features for Symfony2
PHP MIT License UpdatedAug 12, 2020 -
symfony Public
Forked from symfony/symfonyThe Symfony PHP framework
PHP MIT License UpdatedJun 10, 2020 -
dir-sort Public
Python script for sorting directories based on file types, focused on traditionally messy directories like "Downloads"
Python UpdatedMay 20, 2020 -
thermapoll-sensor Public
Submodule containing the sensor service code for the SWENG-11 team ThermaPoll product
Python UpdatedApr 16, 2020 -
SWENG-Essay Public
An essay on an influential member of the Software Engineering community
UpdatedNov 6, 2019 -
lowest-common-ancestor Public
A dummy repo for the software engineering module TCD 3rd year
Python UpdatedOct 16, 2019 -
tui-go Public
Forked from marcusolsson/tui-goA UI library for terminal applications.
Go MIT License UpdatedJun 26, 2019 -
P5.js-experiments Public
P5.js-experiments and various visual rendering centered messing about
JavaScript UpdatedMay 1, 2019 -
ICS-Notes Public
Integrated computer science notes for second year and beyond (Not complete)
UpdatedMar 21, 2019 -
cs-exams Public
Forked from nating/cs-examsExamination preparation material for Computer Science students at Trinity College Dublin.
HTML UpdatedDec 19, 2018 -
simple-golang-webserver Public
An extremely simple golang blog-esc static web server and website, free to be re-used