This program is used to generate version data we use for our services.
It accepts the following parameters:
- image - (required) Docker image for this application.
- imageid - (required) Docker tagged image id.
- output - (optional) File to output date to, the default is build_version.json
This will generate a build_version.json file we use for our /version calls on our services.
This is an example:
"version": "c2692b51fc5f4e7bb7792b0764bdff48",
"build_time": "2017-07-30_09:40:52",
"image": "blog"
"image_id": "17",
"versions": {
"debian": "52f04f4cf4eb4dc091ae5c2efceb7798",
"nginx": "6b407ff8b85c4926ba56a780a18045ee",
"proxy": "f0be97025af54421bf8074289061b104",
"node": "f6eb68798add47b3b763fe44fa6b23fb",
"ghost": "c2692b51fc5f4e7bb7792b0764bdff48"
This allows to to trace what build/version we are using for any given image via the URL.