This api is using for build Android app using Retrofit,Kotlin,and RX Java
Lumen Version is v5.5.2
First you should change the database Configuration at env on root project with your mysql database configuration.
then you can Migrate the database with this code
php artisan migrate
get into project folder and type this into your Terminal
php -S localhost:8000 -t public
With Method GET
With Method GET
With Method POST
And Example Post JSON Like This
"judul_buku": "Android Programming",
"pengarang_buku": "Muhammad Hermas Yuda P",
"deskripsi_buku": "Ini adalah buku tentang Android Programming",
"stok_buku": "90"
With Method DELETE
With Method PUT
And Example Post JSON Like This
"judul_buku": "Android Programming in a Nutshell",
"pengarang_buku": "Muhammad Hermas Yuda P",
"deskripsi_buku": "Ini adalah buku tentang Android Programming",
"stok_buku": "90"