- Pro
fofi Public
functionally-pure compiler for the 𝒇𝒐𝒇𝒊 language, implemented in Haskell :)
sum_thread_benchmark Public
comparing parallel sum implementations across c++, go, haskell and python
graph-arbitrage Public
arbitrage in crypto with graphs
blogscroll Public
Forked from blogscroll/blogscroll📜 An aggregator of independently-owned blogs
Benchmark-OpenMP-CUDA-Cupy Public
Benchmark over OpenMP, CUDA and Cupy
cliff_walking_td Public
Implementation of Q-learning algorithms (Epsilon-Greedy and Softmax) for the Cliff Walking environment, featuring comprehensive metrics collection and visualization tools for reinforcement learning…
gpt-pr-validator Public
AI-powered GitHub Action that automatically validates dependency versions and database migrations in pull requests, ensuring consistent version pinning and safe migration practices.
version-guard Public
GitHub Action that enforces strict version pinning across package managers, containers, and validates SQL migration idempotency.
max_number Public
Benchmark suite comparing a algorithm that finds the biggest number on a array across C++, Go, Haskell, and Python, demonstrating different concurrency models and performance characteristics.
cartpole-qlearning Public
Implementação de Q-Learning para resolver o problema CartPole
OpenMP-Parallel-Benchmarking Public
A benchmarking suite comparing C++, Fortran, and Python in parallel (OpenMP) and sequential modes. Measures execution time and resource usage across threads and input sizes, with results in JSON fo…
pose-estimation Public
Atividade ponderada POSE-ESTIMATION para bovinos CC05-MOD09
diversity_data Public
Extracts video frames and features using VGG16, with progress tracking and batch processing.
OpenQ Public
Forked from veryvanya/OpenQThe open-source implementation of Q*, achieved in context as a zero-shot reprogramming of the attention mechanism. (synthetic data)
rinha-de-algoritmos Public
Forked from Universidade-Livre/rinha-de-algoritmosNa Rinha de Algoritmos você deve utilizar suas habilidades para a criação de algoritmos eficientes para resolver problemas!
rust Public
Forked from rust-lang/rustEmpowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.
the-algorithm Public
Forked from twitter/the-algorithmSource code for Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm
SantiagoQuant Public
O algoritmo Santiago é uma abordagem robusta e abrangente para prever o desempenho de ativos financeiros e otimizar o retorno ajustado ao risco.