This is a demo application that showcases an implementation of oAuth from Salesforce in Node.js.
Firstly, setup your Salesforce Org with a connected app. Remember! You will have to come back here and update your callback URL once you get it.
Before you start, make sure you've got Redis running locally. (If not, it's okay - we can wait)
Firstly, clone (or fork and clone) the App.
git clone
Change directories and install stuff
cd Salesforce-oAuth-Demo && npm install
Create the .env file
touch .env
Then add the following config vars
CLIENTID={your salesforce client id}
CLIENTSECRET={your salesforce client secret}
REDISSECRET={A super secret string}
REDIS_URL={your redis URL}
remember, head back to your connected app and update that Callback URL!
Once all that is done, you are good to go!
npm start
Then navigate to http://localhost:3001 to get started.
Firstly, clone (or fork and clone) the App.
git clone
Create your app
heroku apps:create
git push the world!
git add .
git commit -m "slinky heroku"
git push heroku master
Provision the Redis addon
heroku addons:create heroku-redis:hobby-dev
Add your config vars
heroku config:set CLIENTID={your client id} CLIENTSECRET={your client secret} CALLBACKURL={https://{YOURAPPNAME}}
Then you're good to go
heroku open