In an experiment that probably never should've seen the light of day, I created a small binding that exposes lua to GNU make via make's load
It gives you:
function eval(expr)
which does the obvious thing
function expand(a,b,c)
which expands a, b and c as make expressions and pushes the results thereof
function export(name, function)
to make lua functions available as make functions
the global table make
whose __index metamethods looks up make variables, so make.MAKECMDGOALS
does the obvious thing
$(lua expr,...)
function to evaluate lua expressions
The following
define lua_init
local function say(...)
print(string.format("[%.6f]", os.clock()), ...)
local function show(...)
local N = select('#', ...)
for i=1,N do
local name = select(i, ...)
say(name, make[name])
export("say", say)
export("show", show)
will make these makefile snippet
$(lua $(lua_init))
$(say Hello! These are the makefiles: $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
result in the output
[0.002632] Hello! These are the makefiles: Makefile
[0.002669] MAKE_VERSION 4.2.1
[0.002697] .FEATURES target-specific order-only second-expansion else-if shortest-stem undefine oneshell archives jobserver output-sync check-symlink guile load
I have not yet done anything useful with this.