Want GitlibCoin for free ?
GitlibCoin is a Cryptocurrency using ETH blockchain technology for every github user.
You can get 100 ~ 1,000,000 GitlibCoin for free ,depending on your working in github.
just star and fork this repo ,download wallet(below) and visit:
Then you can receive your GitlibCoin(GTC) .Have fun !!
GitlibCoin Android wallet (open source) :
Algorithm :
your public repos score = public repos: watch_sum *5 + star_sum *3 + fork_sum *10
- fork others repo the forked_count not included
your followers score = sum of( they public repos score + they followers score)
your activity score = your pull request(commit PULL_REQUEST, REPOSITORY) score + followers count * 6
your total_score = ( (your public repos score) + (your followers score) + (your activity score))
GitlibCoin you can get = (1 - pow(0.96,0.002 * total_score))*1000000 ;
We will store the last time GTC you get. and total GTC received.
Each time caculate will minus total received of your account
You may need wait 8Hr to recalculate again .
The evalue code is in :
main Algorithm:
PC miner is :
contact us :
#About GitlibCoin:
Thanks github users and many programer hard working and wonderful ideas.And share they code with everyone ,sometimes didn't expect to get much in return. After years of they contributions we have this such great world right now. Such as Linus Benedict , share his software Linux operasystem over the world.
These spirte should last forever.we need let them get rewarded.And also exchange the value of technology.
So we create this product to these happen: more contribute to this world , more GitlibCoin GTC reward. Let everything go in the right direction.We may reward through they activity and star /fork data in they github project page later. Users can pay GitlibCoin for searching tech help or get usefull data.
Now everyone in Github can miner githat coin . using latest ETH tech V1.10.2 (2021.4.19)
Get 1000~10,000 GitlibCoin after check your github account ownership:
Offical page:
Open source:
Now everyone in Github can miner github coin . using latest ETH tech V1.10.2 (2021.4.19)
PC miner Github币电脑挖矿软件 :
Miner download ,挖矿软件下载 免费开挖:
miner list 矿机列表:
Gitlib Coin BlockChain EXPLORER is online:
Gitlib coin contract deploy 公链 合约部署流程.pdf
We removed the difficulty bomb in etheum,can miner for ever!
Android wallet (open source) :
Welcome to use ! How to use move PC miner wallet to phone :
Copy PCminerDIR/data/11/keystore/xxxx file to phone SDcard/GithubCoin/xxxx.json
Remember rename xxxx to xxxx.json (require)
then click import wallet .
more info:
chainId: 156893586
alloc: for send github user prize
gasLimit: 0x2fefd8
static node: enode://6a4b432d1dbd5626d13f674ffa833ec0cbe1db3f192a8090d75bd4317acf8cdc2f0702fb0ce9c8d582ebbed65271d2dfab0396e4b0f46842c9b8542b277c26e1@