citpy is abbrevation of "Chem Is Try in Python"
[ Initially, this program is just for adding smiles syntax (of chemical formula) extension of python ] this project is with great ideal, but with less effort.
- subatom data
- atom/isotop data
- molecule data
- crystal data
- big molecule (dna, rna) data
- objm: point, lattice, point_group etc.
- objp: electron, neutron, proton, phenon, fermi, boson, atom, functional_group, molecule, dna, rna
- objc: atom_c, molecule_c, formula( structure_formula, chemical_equation )
- objb: dna_b, rna_b, etc.
- chemg: general chemistry
- chemi: inorganic chemistry
- chemo: organic chemistry
- chems: structure chemistry
- chemp: physics chemistry
- chemt: theory chemistry (quantum chemistry)
- cheml: lab chemistry
- chemb: bio-chemistry
- ifmath: to mathematics
- ifphys: to physics (quantum and statistic)
- ifbio : to biology