Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
A cross-platform framework using Vue.js
个人博客: Web, JavaScript, NodeJs, Webpack ...
🎉 A magical vue admin
Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
Lucid & Futuristic Production Boilerplates For Frontend(Web) Apps, React/RN/Vue, with TypeScript(Optional), Webpack 4/Parcel, MobX/Redux 💫 多技术栈前端项目模板
Important! A new UI Kit version for Bootstrap 5 is available. Access the latest free version via the link below.
NodeJS implement of CAS(Central Authentication Service) client.
Internationalize React apps. Not only for Component but also for Vanilla JS.
📗 SheetJS Spreadsheet Data Toolkit -- New home
小程序营销组件,Marketing components for WeChatApp
A persistent service that generates mock data quickly and provids visualization view.
⚡️ Front End interview preparation materials for busy engineers
hacke2 / ResumeSample
Forked from geekcompany/ResumeSampleResume template for Chinese programmers . 程序员简历模板系列。包括PHP程序员简历模板、iOS程序员简历模板、Android程序员简历模板、Web前端程序员简历模板、Java程序员简历模板、C/C++程序员简历模板、NodeJS程序员简历模板、架构师简历模板以及通用程序员简历模板
Large single page application with 45 pages built on vue2 + vuex. 基于 vue2 + vuex 构建一个具有 45 个页面的大型单页面应用