Awesome stuff by/and/for/with sceners.
Right now, this is mostly focused on PC/OGL/DX Plattforms - Send a PR if you want to change that. :)
- Teach yourself demoscene in 14 days - Fantastic starting guide by ps.
- Demoscene starter kits - Want to start making demos but don't know where to begin? Look no further!
- - markdown clone / fork / 2016 revamp of the good old wiki -
- - A gallery of 64k intros, making ofs and resources to learn how to get started with a 64k by Ctrl-Alt-Test.
- Games in the GPU shaders - modern examples and needed knowledge to make games in GPU shaders.
- How to "properly" release a Demoscene production - YT video by ps anwering multiple questions on how to release a prod.
- - A wiki dedicated to the art of creating very tiny programs
Ressources for creating demos and intros.
- Vulkan Shadertoy launcher - create a small single-bin(exe) file with built-in shaders. Using Vulkan and C. (~50Kb with builtin large shader)
- Leviathan 2.0 - A simple "framework" for developing small (around 1-8 kilobyte) Demoscene productions.
- shortcrust - Shortcrust is a Python wrapper library for OpenGL, intended for building applications that are portable to the Raspberry Pi.
- Blossom - 4K Executable Graphics framework
- Ever Laster Engine - Excess demo engine
- 4k Demo Oven - Framework for 4k demos.
- LunarEngine - This is a very primitive graphics engine, using a simple integer array as chunky-buffer.
- Ghostown & Whelpz 2021 - Amiga OCS demoscene related sources
- Harfang3D - A high-end platform for 2D and 3D application development (C++, Python, Lua)
Complete Demotools and Tools to help you create.
- nin - Ninjadev's internal demo tool. It is a tool for easing development of browser-based WebGL demos.
- Rocket - A tool for synchronizing music and visuals in demoscene productions.
- Crinkler - Crinkler is an executable file compressor for Windows for compressing small demoscene executables.
- Farbrausch Public Repo - Farbrausch tools from 2001 to 2011 including werkzeug3 and kkrunchy.
- Werkzeug4 - Farbrausch Werkkzeug4 and Screens4
- CNS 2012 Source Pack - Repo containing demotools (and intros) of conspiracy up to 2012.
- Grimoire - A cross-platform live-coding tool for creative coding with GLSL shader demos.
- Shader Minifier - A tool that minifies and obfuscates shader code (GLSL and HLSL).
- GLSL Shader Shrinker - A Windows GUI tool that attempts to reduce the size of GLSL fragment shader code, whilst keeping it readable and understandable.
- Shiba - Digital content creation tool for demoscene and live coding.
- gShaderReplacer - OpenGL proxy dll for shader replacement and debugging
- Bonzomatic To Shadertoy - Python script to convert bonzomatic glsl fragment shaders to use them on
- grafx2 - ultimate 256-color bitmap paint program
Make some noise!
- Soundbox - SoundBox is an HTML5 synth music tracker/editor, suitable for creating music for small JavaScript demos (4K / 8K).
- WaveSabre - WaveSabre is a software synthesizer and toolchain for music for 64K intros.
- pulsejet - A bespoke sample compression codec for 64k intros
- 4klang - 4klang is a modular software synthesizer package intended to easily produce music for 4k intros.
- 64klang - 64klang is a modular, nodegraph based software synthesizer package intended to easily produce music for 64k intros.
- Axiom - A powerful realtime node-based audio synthesizer.
- OpenMPT - A free Windows/Wine-based tracker and libopenmpt, a library to render tracker music.
- libxm - A small XM (FastTracker II Extended Module) player library.
- Oidos - Oidos is a software synthesizer, based on additive synthesis, for making music for very small executables, such as 4 and 8 kilobyte intros.
- sointu - Fork of 4klang, supporting 386, amd64 and wasm. Runs on Windows, Mac, Linux & browser
- hivelytracker - Music tracker for AHX and HVL formats
- pt2-clone - Music tracker clone of ProTracker 2 for modern computers
- ft2-clone - Fasttracker II clone
- komposter - lightweight music composing system
- bambootracker -YM2608 (OPNA, sound chip of Yamaha) music tracker
- klystrack - Chiptune tracker
- goattracker - C64 music editor
- cheesecutter - SID music editor
- furnace - multi-system chiptune tracker compatible with DefleMask modules
- schism tracker - ImpulseTracker clone aiming at providing the same look&feel
Github Repos of Demoscene Productions.
- "Forbidden Path by" yx - MAGFest Demoparty 2020 Executable Graphics entry
- "Long Way From Home" by yx - SynchroNY 2020 Executable Graphics entry
- "Brutal Knowledge" by yx - Demosplash 2019 Executable Graphics entry
- "Light at the End of the Tunnel" by yx - NOVA 2019 Executable Graphics entry
- "Penrose Pathtraced" by yx - Revision 2019 Executable Graphics entry
- "The Real Party Is In Your Pocket" by Fizzer
- "Decay" by Fizzer
- "octree" by NR4 - 4k exe gfx entry by NR4/Team210 at Revision 2k20
- "Crawlspace" by Youth Uprising
- Star Traveler - A 1K JavaScript demo
- "Oscar's Chair" by Eos - Winner of the Revision 2018 4k Compo
- "Terrarium" by Eos - 2nd in the Assembly 2019 4K Intro competition
- "お花見 (Ohanami)" by Fizzer and Wayfinder - 4th in the Deadline 2017 PC 4K Intro competition
- "Love Reaction" by Fizzer and Puryx - 3rd in the Nordlicht 2015 Newschool Demo competition
- "IIII / IV" by Eos - 6th in the Revision 2019 PC 4K Intro competition
- "Horizon Machine" by Alcatraz and Eos - 3rd in the Revision 2017 PC 4K Intro competition
- "Glittermorphosis" by Eos - 2nd in the Under Construction 2016 PC High-End 4K Intro competition
- "Dropletia" by Eos and Prismbeings - 5th in the Evoke 2017 PC 4K Intro competition
- "Alive Here Now, Forever" by Empathy - 2nd in the Under Construction 2017 PC High-End Combined 4K/64K competition
- "Appear" by Jetlag - Released at Revision 2018
- "PiaggioNonTroppo" by Cookie Collective - 10th in the Evoke 2019 PC 4K Intro competition
- "Core Critical" by HBC - Placed 1st in Assembly 2018 4k intro competition
- "VIRGO 1302" by HBC - Placed 1st in Assembly 2020 4k intro competition
- "Ghosts of Mars" by Faemiyah - Placed 4th in the Assembly 2015 combined 4k competition
- "Hydrokinetics" by Prismbeings - Placed 1st in the Assembly 2015 combined 4k competiion
- "From The Seas To The Stars" by Fizzer and noby / Eos - 3rd in the Evoke 2018 PC 64K Intro competition
- "Blue Morpho" by Eos - 3rd in the TRSAC 2016 PC 64k competition
- CNS 2012 Source Pack - Repo containing intros (inc. demotools) of conspiracy up to 2012.
- Ctrl-Alt-Test - Repo containing the intros "B-Incubation", "D-Four", "E-Departure" and "F-Felix's Workshop" from Ctrl-Alt-Test.
- "Insert No Coins" by Razor 1911 - Winning entry of the Main 2010 combined 64k competition
- "The Scene Is Dead" by Razor 1911 - Placed 3rd at the Revision 2012 pc 64k competition
- "Lightcyber" by Team210 - 64k Intro for Evoke 2019
- "providence" by Team210 - PC64k intro by Team210 at Vortex 2k19
- "hardcyber" by Team210 - PC-64k-Intro by Team210 at Deadline 2k19
- "Second Reality" by Future Crew - Source code and data of Second Reality by Future Crew in 1993
- "Amoeba" by Excess
- "Doomsday" by Complex - Xbox demo from 2003
- "Okiedokie" by SoopaDoopa - MS-DOS Demo from 1999
- "What Are You Syncing About?" by Ninjadev - Ninjadev's submission for Revision 2017
- "Construct" by Ninjadev - Ninjadev's new school demo for Solskogen 2019
- "Flat Shade Society" by Ninjadev - Solskogen 2019 invite
- "Pinky Frinky" by Ninjadev - This is Ninjadev's demo for Solskogen 2018
- "No invitation" by Ninjadev - Invitation for Revision 2018, submitted to Under Construction 2017.
- "Black Hole" by Nesnausk! - A real-time rendering demo. 1st place at Field-FX 2020.
- "Parallel Multiverse" by Abyss - This is Abyss´ contribution to the Revision 2020 Demoscene event.
- "World Domination" by Odd - World Domination by ODD, now as open source! Released with permission from tr0nders0DD!
Ressources for organizing your own party/event.
- CompoKit - CompoKit is an all-inclusive environment with (almost) all tools required for hosting PC demoscene competitions.
- Bonzomatic - A live-coding tool, where you can write a 2D fragment/pixel shader while it is running in the background.
- Bonzomatic Server - Relays shaders from opponents during LiveShading battle that use Bonzomatic.
- Partymeister - The Partymeister Demoparty "Intranet" and Composystem.
- stuhl.js (Partymeister notification bot) - This bot provides the ability for Partymeister to broadcast certain events to several destinations.
- WUHU - Lightweight Party Management System
Having a Beer - capturing a demo.
- Shadertoy to video with FBO - frame perfect Shaders capture script made in Python and OpenGL. Suport Windows/Linux.
- Capturinha - A tool for real time screen and audio capture on Windows, using NVIDIA's NVENC.
- Conduit - Demo downloader and watching utility and browser plugin
- upskkale - .kkapture-based realtime upscaling of demos that run in deprecated / unsupported video modes.
- Exemusic Recorder - A tool to record music from executables.
- Foxotron - ASSIMP based general purpose model viewer ("turntable") created for the Revision 2021 3D Graphics Competition
- ILBMViewer - ILBM (color-cycling image format) viewer for Windows
- showNet - Demo viewer using's metadata
- Demozoo - Repo for
- Pouet - Repo for
- PouetDiscordBot - A bot to spam #pouet on demoscene discord with highly relevant pouet stuff.
- pouet-enhancement-suite - FireFox/Chrome Addon for Pouet Browsing.
- - The source code for
- in4k
- Demoscene Source Archive - A collection of demoscene source code.
- Demo Sources - Collection of Demos with Source
Forums, Community Hubs and sites archiving scene productions
- - Home of the archive, sceneid and various scene related sites.
- Demozoo - A website dedicated to collecting and organizing the history of the demoscene - its productions, people, events and many other bits of information.
- pouet - Home of the glöps, prods and the oldskool pouë bbs.
- - A list of demoscene events happening around the world.
- - Archive of recordings from different livecoding events.
- - The hungarian demoscene portal and community.
- scenecity - Streaming and Chat Platform for the demoscene.
- scenesat - A demoscene online-radio, community and accociation.
- Nectarine - Demoscene online-radio and home of the Demovibes DJ Mixes.
Find beautiful prods
- curio - A curated and continuously expanding collection of modern demoscene and real-time graphics pieces.
- - A collection of executable graphic prods curated by xy.
- nanogems - A curated selection of the best Tiny Intros from the Demoscene.
Watch scene related videos
- psenough - Personal channel of ps. He publishes a monthly demoscene report as well as guides, partyreports and curated playlists.
- Fairlight - Channel of the Fairlight demogroup. Publishes FairlightTV with interviews, reports and technical insight.
- Inigo Quilez - Personal channel of iq. Lot's of content and tutorials on shadercoding, shadertoy and math.
- ferrisstreamsstuff - Personal channels of ferris with recordings on streams on demomaking, emulator development and hardware hacking.
- Gasman - Personal channel of gasman with ZX Spectrum, TIC-80 and livemusic content.
- Zine: The Radio show - Zine is a Demoscene Podcast from and for sceners, and everyone curious about one of the oldest but still very lively digital art cultures.
- Demoscene High-Quality Videos (Annikras) - Youtubes biggest collection of captured demos and intros.
- AssemblyTV - Channel of Assembly.
- Echtzeit - Channel of the swiss scene accociation.
- Revision - Channel of the revision demoparty with compo and seminar recordings.
- Evoke Demoparty - Channel of the Evoke demoparty with compo and seminar recordings.
- Field-FX - Channel of the Field-FX demoparty.
Local and national organisations supporting the demoscene. Listed are those which accept various kind of contributions and memberships
- Computerkunst e.V - Berlin based NPA for the support of the demoscene.
- Inércia - Inércia is a non-profit organisation aimed to make the demoscene known in Portugal through preservation and outreach.
- Echtzeit - digitale Kultur - Echtzeit is a charitable association, with the primary goal of facilitating and supporting the Demoscene in Switzerland.
- The Bloop Museum (patreon) - The US based Bloop Museum strifes to start a year-round brick-and-mortar electronic entertainment museum.
- Norsk Demopartyforening - A non-profit organization that has the goal of furthering demoparties in Norway.