- English via Data Structure and Algorithm notes
- 简体中文请戳 数据结构与算法/leetcode/lintcode题解
- 繁體中文請瀏覽 資料結構與演算法/leetcode/lintcode題解
This work is some notes of learning and practicing data structures and algorithm.
- Part I is some brief introduction of basic data structures and algorithm, such as, linked lists, stack, queues, trees, sorting and etc.
- Part II is the analysis and summary of programming problems, and most of the programming problems come from https://leetcode.com/, http://www.lintcode.com/, http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/, http://hihocoder.com/, https://www.topcoder.com/.
- Part III is the appendix of resume and other supplements.
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- English is maintained by @billryan
- 简体中文 is maintained by @billryan, @Shaunwei
- 繁體中文 is maintained by @CrossLuna
Other contributors can be found in Contributors to algorithm-exercise
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所得捐款用于七牛 CDN 流量付费/激励 Contributors 写出更好的内容/购买书籍/西瓜/饮料
- add multiple languages support, currently 繁體中文, 简体中文 are available
- explore nice writing style
- add implementations of
code - add time and space complexity analysis
- summary of basic data structure and algorithm
- add CSS for online website http://algorithm.yuanbin.me
- add proper Chinese fonts for PDF output