A translatable word clock using node-gettext
Everything you need to build and run the buddycloud webclient on your domain.
highfellow / node-po
Forked from mikejholly/node-poSimple library for loading and saving Gettext PO files.
Translation and string substitution wrapper module for node, based around node-gettext but providing a cleaner and more javascript-ish interface.
highfellow / node-gettext
Forked from DanielBaulig/node-gettextAn adaption of Joshua I. Miller's Javascript Gettext library for node.js.
highfellow / node-formatdate
Forked from dodo/node-formatdatea little bit more than just strftime
Simple library for loading and saving Gettext PO files.
An adaption of Joshua I. Miller's Javascript Gettext library for node.js.
This webclient code is no longer supported. Please see for an active and supported webclient.