The dashbord template open source for your project.
<div class="area-upload" id="myfiles">
<div class="box-attach">
<div class="icon">
<i class="fas fa-cloud-upload-alt"></i>
<div class="desc">Drag and drop files
<span class="or">OR</span>
<div class="btn-choose btn btn-blue text-white">
Choose the files
<input type="file" multiple>
<div class="box-files"></div>
// upload files drap and drop
var myfiles = $("#myfiles").attachFilesDragDrop({
accept: '.png,.jpg,.jpeg,.pdf,.xsls', // file extension
size: '1.5', // size in MB
showBtnDelete: true, // true or false
urlUpload: '', // use for ajax upload
urlDelete: '', // use for ajax delete
getFiles: function (files) { // get all files
getUploaded: function (item) { // use for ajax
item.find('.actions a.delete').addClass('active');
processUpload: function () { // use for ajax
successUpload: function () { // use for ajax
deletedUpload: function (status, response) { // use for ajax
switch (status) {
case 'done':
alert('Delete success: ' + response.msg);
case 'fail':
alert('Delete fail: ' + response.msg);;
// get all ajax uploaded files id
// clear preview area
- Opened modal
$("#modal").on('modal-open', function(e) {
alert('modal open');
- Closed modal
$("#modal").on('modal-close', function(e) {
alert('modal close');
- jQuery
- jQuery match height