Developed RESTful API using Node.js and Express.js for spam-blocking web application with MySQL database, empowering users to report and search spam numbers.
Implemented robust user authentication, ensuring 100% protection against unauthorized access.
Engineered search functionality to facilitate efficient contact search by name or phone number, resulting in 30% the surge in user engagement and a 25% increase in user retention
# rename .env.example to .env then fill all field
# generate Token
# install NPM dependencies
npm i
mysql -h localhost -u root -p
The psql commands assist us in querying the data from the specified database interactively. Here are some of the most frequently used, most effective psql commands:
- create new DATABASE
# enter into postgres
sudo su - postgres
# enter into user `postgres user`
# create database
# create user with password (in single quote)
CREATE USER "newuser" WITH PASSWORD 'password';
# grant all privilege
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON USER "newuser" TO "postgres";
Task Description | Command |
Connect to a Database | psql -d spamapp -U postgres |
Check Postgres Version | SELECT VERSION(); or postgres --version |
List All Databases | \l |
Access or Switch a Database | \c db_name |
List All Tables | \dt |
Describe All Tables | \d |
Describe a Specific Table | \d tab_name |
List All Schemas | \dn |
List All Views | \dv |
List All Functions | \df |
List All Users | \du |
Show Commands History | \s |
Save Query’s Results to a Specific File | \o file_name |
Run psql Commands/queries From a Particular File | \i file_name |
Execute Previous Command | \g |
Show Query Execution Time | \timing |
Get Output in HTML Format | \H |
Align Columns Output | \a |
Get Help | \h |
Get All psql Commands | \? |
Clear Screen | ! cls |
Quit psql | \q |
# build images from docker-compose.yaml
docker-compose down && docker-compose up --build -d
# remove docker compose images
docker-compose down --remove-orphans
# stop docker compose images
docker-compose stop
# check both images
docker-compose ps
# logs containers
docker-compose logs app
# realtime logs
docker-compose logs -f
# network connection test
telnet db 5433
# check container exists
docker exec -it spam-app cat /etc/hosts
docker exec -it postgres cat /etc/hosts
# Ping Test Between Containers:
docker exec -it spam-app ping postgres
docker exec -it postgres ping spam-app
# Check Container IP Addresses:
docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' spam-app
docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' postgres