Releases: himal2007/oncho_gis
Geospatial modeling of pre-intervention prevalence of _Onchocerca volvulus_ infection in Ethiopia as an aid to onchocerciasis elimination.
Geospatial modeling of pre-intervention prevalence of Onchocerca volvulus infection in Ethiopia as an aid to onchocerciasis elimination.
Files related to geospatial modelling of O. volvulus infection prevalence in Ethiopia.
The repository consists of the markdown files/codes for the following aspects of the analysis:
Exploring prevalence and the environmental data including initial selection of the environmental variables - Workbook 1
Comparing different distributions for model fitting, selection of triangulation meshes, final selection of environmental variables and K-fold cross validation of the candidate models - Workbook 2
Running the best model and visualising the model prediction - Workbook 3
The paper is now available in PLoS NTD.
Geospatial modeling of pre-intervention nodule prevalence of Onchocerca volvulus in Ethiopia as an aid to onchocerciasis elimination
Shrestha H, McCulloch K, Hedtke SM, Grant WN (2022) Geospatial modeling of pre-intervention nodule prevalence of Onchocerca volvulus in Ethiopia as an aid to onchocerciasis elimination. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 16(7): e0010620.