Hippo Penny
Building your site locally Open Terminal.
Navigate to the publishing source for your site. For more information, see "Configuring a publishing source for your GitHub Pages site."
Run bundle install
Run your Jekyll site locally.
$ bundle exec jekyll serve
Configuration file: /Users/octocat/my-site/_config.yml Source: /Users/octocat/my-site Destination: /Users/octocat/my-site/_site Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental Generating... done in 0.309 seconds. Auto-regeneration: enabled for '/Users/octocat/my-site' Configuration file: /Users/octocat/my-site/_config.yml Server address: Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.
If you have ruby >= 3.0, bundle add webrick
Page Paths: are defined by tag permalink:
inside _pages/x.md. For example, index page is home.md
because we set permalink: / in file _pages/home.md. A post will be shown in time order, and there is no permalink in its meta.
Pages: are configured under _data/navigation.yml
Embed any videos: https://github.com/nathancy/jekyll-embed-video/blob/master/example.md
Configure github action at https://docs.github.com/en/pages/getting-started-with-github-pages/configuring-a-publishing-source-for-your-github-pages-site
add page to _posts, naming starts with yyyy-mm-dd. A page won't be published if the date is into the future.
include the new post to _pages/home.md
2.1 index pages for search, must use admin key ALGOLIA_API_KEY= bundle exec jekyll algolia. We can use github action to execute this step; see below.
push pages to github. A build action will be triggered automatically to release the page https://github.com/hippopenny/hippopenny.github.io/actions
Define the Secret in GitHub: Go to your GitHub repository. Click on "Settings" in the top navigation bar. Navigate to "Secrets" in the left sidebar.Click on "New repository secret." Name your secret (e.g., ALGOLIA_API_KEY) and enter the actual API key as the value. Click on "Add secret."
We can then add this line to github action
- name: Exec jekyll algolia run: ALGOLIA_API_KEY=${{ secrets.ALGOLIA_API_KEY }} bundle exec jekyll algolia
- Add json file to ./_data in similar format
- Add image.png file to ./assets/imgages/scores
- Add .md file to ./scores in similar format
- Pay attention to the file name, the .md file is renamed according to the game name eg: permalink: /meta-score/alan-wake-ii (game name)
Using http://realfavicongenerator.net/ to generate all of the sized icons from a single file, placed them in assets/images and then added the html it spit out to the _includes/head/custom.html