Custom Terminal Alias Manager (Al.Ma.)
- Simple way to add / delete / edit custom terminal aliases in ~/.bash_profile
- Can be used to sync terminal aliases between various devices, projects, etc.
- Creates a backup of ~/.bash_profile (~/.backup_bash_profile) each time it runs
Each custom alias is stored as a 2 column entry in alias.csv using the format:
shortcut, command to run
docs, cd ~/Documents/SomeImportantFolder
dls, cd ~/Downloads
Would generate the aliases:
alias docs=‘cd ~/Documents’
alias dls=‘cd ~/Downloads’
## To Run In Terminal, change to the folder where Al.Ma. is stored and run via Ruby:
ruby alias_manager.rb
Al.Ma. then reads through alias.csv, and either:
- Adds each custom alias to ~/.bash_profile
- Updates any changed custom alias
- Removes any custom alias from ~/.bash_profile (which no longer exist in alias.csv)
- Prints out list of aliases added / removed
- Refactoring of code