title: Create an Azure Application Gateway - templates | Microsoft Docs description: This page provides instructions to create an Azure application gateway by using the Azure Resource Manager template documentationcenter: na services: application-gateway author: vhorne manager: jpconnock editor: tysonn
ms.service: application-gateway ms.devlang: na ms.topic: article ms.tgt_pltfrm: na ms.workload: infrastructure-services ms.date: 07/31/2017 ms.author: victorh
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Azure Application Gateway is a layer-7 load balancer. It provides failover and performance-routing HTTP requests between different servers, whether they are on the cloud or on-premises. Application Gateway provides many application delivery controller (ADC) features including HTTP load balancing, cookie-based session affinity, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) offload, custom health probes, support for multi-site, and many others. To find a complete list of supported features, visit Application Gateway overview
This article walks you through downloading and modifying an existing Azure Resource Manager template from GitHub and deploying the template from GitHub, PowerShell, and the Azure CLI.
If you are simply deploying the template directly from GitHub without any changes, skip to deploy a template from GitHub.
In this scenario you will:
- Create an application gateway with web application firewall.
- Create a virtual network named VirtualNetwork1 with a reserved CIDR block of
- Create a subnet called Appgatewaysubnet that uses as its CIDR block.
- Set up two previously configured back-end IPs for the web servers you want to load balance the traffic. In this template example, the back-end IPs are and
Those settings are the parameters for this template. To customize the template, you can change rules, the listener, SSL, and other options in the azuredeploy.json file.
You can download the existing Azure Resource Manager template to create a virtual network and two subnets from GitHub, make any changes you might want, and reuse it. To do so, use the following steps:
- Navigate to Create Application Gateway with web application firewall enabled.
- Click azuredeploy.json, and then click RAW.
- Save the file to a local folder on your computer.
- If you are familiar with Azure Resource Manager templates, skip to step 7.
- Open the file that you saved and look at the contents under parameters in line
- Azure Resource Manager template parameters provide a placeholder for values that can be filled out during deployment.
Parameter | Description |
subnetPrefix | CIDR block for the application gateway subnet. |
applicationGatewaySize | Size of the application gateway. WAF only allows medium and large. |
backendIpaddress1 | IP address of the first web server. |
backendIpaddress2 | IP address of the second web server. |
wafEnabled | Setting to determine if WAF is enabled. |
wafMode | Mode of the web application firewall. Available options are prevention or detection. |
wafRuleSetType | Ruleset type for WAF. Currently OWASP is the only supported option. |
wafRuleSetVersion | Ruleset version. OWASP CRS 2.2.9 and 3.0 are currently the supported options. |
Check the content under resources and notice the following properties:
- type. Type of resource being created by the template. In this case, the type is
, which represents an application gateway. - name. Name for the resource. Notice the use of
, which means that the name is provided as input by you or by a parameter file during deployment. - properties. List of properties for the resource. This template uses the virtual network and public IP address during application gateway creation.
- type. Type of resource being created by the template. In this case, the type is
Navigate back to https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/blob/master/101-application-gateway-waf/.
Click azuredeploy-parameters.json, and then click RAW.
Save the file to a local folder on your computer.
Open the file that you saved and edit the values for the parameters. Use the following values to deploy the application gateway described in our scenario.
{ "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentParameters.json#", "contentVersion": "", "parameters": { "addressPrefix": { "value": "" }, "subnetPrefix": { "value": "" }, "applicationGatewaySize": { "value": "WAF_Medium" }, "capacity": { "value": 2 }, "backendIpAddress1": { "value": "" }, "backendIpAddress2": { "value": "" }, "wafEnabled": { "value": true }, "wafMode": { "value": "Detection" }, "wafRuleSetType": { "value": "OWASP" }, "wafRuleSetVersion": { "value": "3.0" } } }
Save the file. You can test the JSON template and parameter template by using online JSON validation tools like JSlint.com.
If you have never used Azure PowerShell, visit: How to install and configure Azure PowerShell and follow the instructions to sign into Azure and select your subscription.
Login to PowerShell
Check the subscriptions for the account.
You are prompted to authenticate with your credentials.
Choose which of your Azure subscriptions to use.
Select-AzureRmSubscription -Subscriptionid "GUID of subscription"
If needed, create a resource group by using the New-AzureResourceGroup cmdlet. In the following example, you create a resource group called AppgatewayRG in East US location.
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name AppgatewayRG -Location "West US"
Run the New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment cmdlet to deploy the new virtual network by using the preceding template and parameter files you downloaded and modified.
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name TestAppgatewayDeployment -ResourceGroupName AppgatewayRG ` -TemplateFile C:\ARM\azuredeploy.json -TemplateParameterFile C:\ARM\azuredeploy-parameters.json
To deploy the Azure Resource Manager template you downloaded by using Azure CLI, follow the following steps:
If you have never used Azure CLI, see Install and configure the Azure CLI and follow the instructions up to the point where you select your Azure account and subscription.
If necessary, run the
az group create
command to create a resource group, as shown in the following code snippet. Notice the output of the command. The list shown after the output explains the parameters used. For more information about resource groups, visit Azure Resource Manager overview.az group create --location westus --name appgatewayRG
-n (or --name). Name for the new resource group. For our scenario, it's appgatewayRG.
-l (or --location). Azure region where the new resource group is created. For our scenario, it's westus.
Run the
az group deployment create
cmdlet to deploy the new virtual network by using the template and parameter files you downloaded and modified in the preceding step. The list shown after the output explains the parameters used.az group deployment create --resource-group appgatewayRG --name TestAppgatewayDeployment --template-file azuredeploy.json --parameters @azuredeploy-parameters.json
Click-to-deploy is another way to use Azure Resource Manager templates. It's an easy way to use templates with the Azure portal.
Go to Create an application gateway with web application firewall.
Click Deploy to Azure.
Fill out the parameters for the deployment template on the portal and click OK.
Select I agree to the terms and conditions stated above and click Purchase.
On the Custom deployment blade, click Create.
When using SSL with a template, the certificate needs to be provided in a base64 string instead of being uploaded. To convert a .pfx or .cer to a base64 string use one of the following commands. The following commands convert the certificate to a base64 string, which can be provided to the template. The expected output is a string that can be stored in a variable and pasted in the template.
cert=$( base64 <certificate path and name>.pfx )
echo $cert
[System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("<certificate path and name>.pfx"))
To delete all resources created in this article, complete one of the following steps:
Remove-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name appgatewayRG
az group delete --name appgatewayRG
If you want to configure SSL offload, visit: Configure an application gateway for SSL offload.
If you want to configure an application gateway to use with an internal load balancer, visit: Create an application gateway with an internal load balancer (ILB).
If you want more information about load balancing options in general, visit: