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seanhaufler committed Jan 19, 2014
1 parent 2dd3140 commit 06d7b79
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Showing 5 changed files with 10,154 additions and 0 deletions.
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions extension/app.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@

fileGetContents('inject.js', function(js) { var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.text = js;

function fileGetContents(filename, cb) {
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', chrome.extension.getURL(filename), true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState == 3 || xhr.readState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
304 changes: 304 additions & 0 deletions extension/inject.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@

var counter = 0;
// My localStorage
var LS = {
prepend: 'anti-censorship-',
get: function(k) {
var self = this;
return $.parseJSON(window.localStorage.getItem(this.prepend+k));
set: function(k, v) {
return window.localStorage.setItem(this.prepend+k.toString(), JSON.stringify(v));

// Anti-censorship, yo
var Anti = {

init: function() {
// Inject new sort options
var extraHTML = '<option value="rating">Rating (+)</option>'+
'<option value="workload">Workload (+)</option>';

$('#submit-button').click(function() {
// Kind of a hack; on pressing submit, switch to subject sort mode
// so we don't have to deal with fetching data for ratings
$('#sort-by option').removeAttr('selected');
$('#sort-by option[value=subject]').attr('selected', true);

// Variables
this.results = App.results; = App.results.models;

// Bind to native app
this.results.bind('fetchAllComplete', this.fetchEvalsAndRender, this);
this.results.bind('changedSortOrder', this.fetchEvalsAndRender, this);
this.results.bind('changedSortOrder', this.sortByRating, this);

render: function(course, ratings_rend, self) {
// We sort by the current sort dropdown selection
var sortBy = $('#sort-by').find(':selected').attr('value');

// HACK use alternate method sortByRating to render
// Had to do this to avoid weird async bug on time deadline
if (sortBy == 'rating') {

// Get the search result currently rendered in the DOM that has the same ID
var id = course.get('id');
var $searchContainer = $('#search_results .content.scroller');
var $searchResults = $searchContainer.find('.list-item');
var $existingResult = $searchContainer.find('.list-item[data-id='+id+']');

if (sortBy != 'rating' && sortBy != 'workload' && sortBy != 'workload-rev') {
// We'll make it easy on ourselves for the old sort indexes.
// Instead of writing a comparator function, let's accept that the
// sort order of the original app is correct and simply insert rating HTML
// at the right place
var ratingHTML = self.getRatingHTMLForCourse(ratings_rend);
} else {

if (sortBy == 'workload' || sortBy == 'workload-rev') {

// We render the course, moving the courses in the list with the same ID
// to the top, then inserting with insertion sort (big O of N^2)
var sortAttribute = 'data-'+sortBy;

$searchResults.each(function(idx, result) {

// The value of the sort attribute for the iteration of
// the search list, e.g. value of `data-rating` for the item
var comparatorValue = $(result).find('.ratings span['+sortAttribute+']').attr(sortAttribute);
// Sort value of the course to be inserted
var sortValue = (ratings_rend[sortBy] || 0);

var myclass = $existingResult.find('h5').text();
var theclass = $(result).find('h5').text();
console.log('comparing your class ' + myclass + ' with the list item ' + theclass);
if (!$(result).attr('data-new')) {
console.log('inserting right away since we hit the old items');
} else if (sortValue >= comparatorValue) {
console.log('your class value (' + sortValue + ') is BIGGER than the other ' + comparatorValue + '. inserting..');
} else {
console.log('your class value (' + sortValue + ') is smaller than the other ' + comparatorValue);

// All prepended courses get a data-new attribute, so if we don't
// see data-new we're at the unsorted results.
if (!$(result).attr('data-new') || sortValue >= comparatorValue) {
// Insert here
var ratingHTML = self.getRatingHTMLForCourse(ratings_rend);
$existingResult.attr('data-new', true);
// If you reached yourself, there's no need to move
if ($existingResult.attr('data-id') != $(result).attr('data-id')) {
return false;
} else {
console.log('Something is fucked up');


sortByRating: function() {
var self = this;
var $searchContainer = $('#search_results .content.scroller');
var $searchResults = $searchContainer.find('.list-item');
var $existingResult;
var sortBy = $('#sort-by').find(':selected').attr('value');
var htmlObj = [],
html = '',
if (sortBy == 'rating') {

// Generate a modified Underscore template taking the ratings as an input
// We do this so we don't have to mess with the Backbone model
// It's hacky, but it kind of has to be since we can't directly access the
// original site's instantiation of `var App` = App.results.models;
_( {
ratings = LS.get(;
ratingHTML = self.getRatingHTMLForCourse(LS.get(;
$existingResult = $searchContainer.find('.list-item[data-id='']');
// Clone with deep nested events
$cloneResult = $existingResult.clone(true, true);

if (ratings) {
quality = ratings.quality;
} else {
quality = 0;

htmlObj.push({ quality: quality, ratingHTML: ratingHTML, item: $cloneResult });

// Add the ratings html template to the elements that we cloned
_(htmlObj).each(function(obj) {

// Sort it by rating
htmlObj = _(htmlObj).sortBy(function(obj) {
return -(obj.quality - 5);

// reduce it into one big array of elements
els = htmlObj.reduce(function(memo, obj) { return memo.add(obj.item); }, $());

// inject into DOM

// Fetch evals if they aren't cached, then call render
fetchEvalsAndRender: function() {
var self = this;
// Update the courses variable since we may have fetched data = App.results.models;
_( {
// Render each course with the course data and ratings
self.getRatingsForCourse(course, self.render, self);

// Given a course model, fetch its ratings
getRatingsForCourse: function(course, cb, context) {
var self = this;
var id = course.get('id');
var ratings = LS.get(id);
if (ratings) {
return cb(course, ratings, context);
} else {
url: "" + id,
type: "GET",
beforeSend: function(xhr){
xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01');
success: function(data) {
ratings = self._calculateRatingsFromEvaluations(data.evaluations);
var numFields = _(ratings).chain().values().filter(function(val) { return !_.isUndefined(val); }).value().length;
if (!!numFields) {
LS.set(id, ratings);
cb(course, ratings, context);

getTemplate: function(ratings__) {
var html = this.getRatingHTMLForCourse(ratings__);
// Add data-new attribute so we know which rows are new
return _.template('<div class="list-item clearfix" data-new="true" data-id="<%= %>" data-term="<%= course.term.oci %>">\n<span class="icon lock<%= course.lockClass %>">Lock</span>\n <span class="icon add-course<%= course.addClass %>" data-action="add">Add</span>\n <span class="icon new-tab-sm" data-action="tab">Tab</span>\n<div class="meeting">\n'+html+ '<div class="compare-add"><input type="checkbox" class="compare-add-check" /></div>\n <% if(course.canceled){ %>\n<span class="warning">Canceled</span>\n <% } else { %>\n <span class="meeting-time"><%= course.sessions.join(\'<br/>\') %></span>\n <% } %>\n <br/>\n <%= course.areas.join(\', \') %>\n <%= course.term.nice_term %>\n </div>\n <h4>\n <%= course.subject %> <%= course.number %><%= course.section %>\n <% if(course.number >= 500){ %>\n <span class="grad">[Grad]</span>\n <% } %>\n </h4>\n <h5><%= course.title %></h5>\n <h6><%= course.professors.join(\', \') %></h6>\n <div class="description"><%= course.description %></div>\n</div>');

getRatingHTMLForCourse: function (ratings_) {
if (!ratings_) {
return '<div class="ratings">'+
'Rating <span data-rating="0" class="quality none"> N/A</span>\n<br/>'+
'Work <span data-workload="0" class="workload none"> N/A</span>\n'+
var quality = (+ratings_.quality).toFixed(1);
var workload = (+ratings_.workload).toFixed(1);
var qualityClass = this.getCSSSelectorForAttribute(quality);
var workloadClass = this.getCSSSelectorForAttribute(workload);

if (quality == 'NaN') { quality = 0; }
if (workload == 'NaN') { workload = 0; }

return '<div class="ratings">'+
'Rating <span data-rating="'+ (quality || 0) +'" class="quality '+ qualityClass +'">'+ (quality ||' N/A')+'</span>\n<br/>'+
'Work <span data-workload="'+ (workload || 0) +'" class="workload '+ workloadClass +'">'+ (workload ||' N/A')+'</span>\n'+

_calculateRatingsFromEvaluations: function(evaluations) {
var qid = {
workload: 5,
quality: 6

function averages(ratings_av) {
var obj = _(ratings_av).chain()
.reduce(function(memo, rating) {
return { total_votes: rating.votes + memo.total_votes,
total_value: rating.votes * rating.value + memo.total_value};
}, { total_votes: 0, total_value: 0})
return obj.total_value / obj.total_votes;

var ratings = _(evaluations).chain()
.filter(function(rating) {
return rating.question_id == qid.workload ||
rating.question_id == qid.quality; })
.groupBy(function(rating){ return rating.question_id; })
.map(function(rating){ return _(rating).first(5); })

return {
// If you want to generate fake data:
// Generates numbers between 2 and 5 since ratings below 2 are rare
//quality: (Math.random() * 3) + 2,
//workload: (Math.random() * 3) + 2
quality: +(+(averages(ratings[1])).toFixed(1)) || undefined,
workload: +(+(averages(ratings[0])).toFixed(1)) || undefined

getCSSSelectorForAttribute: function(attr) {
if (attr > 0 && attr <= 2) {
return 'a';
} else if (attr > 2 && attr <= 3) {
return 'b';
} else if (attr > 3 && attr <= 4) {
return 'c';
} else if (attr > 4) {
return 'd';
} else {
return 'none';

var jsInitChecktimer = setInterval(checkForJS_Finish, 111);
function checkForJS_Finish() {
if (typeof $ != "undefined" &&
typeof App != "undefined") {

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