Sail ho! Yar is a tool for plunderin' organizations, users and/or repositories...
In all seriousness though, yar is an OSINT tool for reconnaissance of repositories/users/organizations on Github. Yar clones repositories of users/organizations given to it and goes through the whole commit history in order of commit time, in search for secrets/tokens/passwords, essentially anything that shouldn't be there. Whenever yar finds a secret, it will print it out for you to further assess.
Yar searches either by regex, entropy or both, the choice is yours. This idea is inspired by the infamous truffleHog tool and the code used for entropy search is in fact borrowed from their repository, which in turn was borrowed from this blog post.
You can think of yar as a bigger and better truffleHog, it does everything that truffleHog does and more! Yar also does it faster and even finds more secrets (yes I know bold statement with no data to show it, I'll hopefully have some data to show it in the near future).
Right now yar is in early development (v0.8.0), however it is still usable and I've found it to be performing better than truffleHog, both in performance and the number of secrets it finds If you want to know more regarding the development of yar, consult the Future Plans section.
To install this you can simply run the following commands.
go get
Just make sure that you have the GOPATH environment variable set in your preferred shell rc and that the go/bin directory is in your PATH.
Want to search for secrets in an organization?
yar -o orgname
Want to search for secrets for a user?
yar -u username
Want to search for secrets in a single repository?
yar -r repolink
yar -r repopath
Want to search for secrets in an organization, for a user and a repository?
yar -o orgname -u username -r reponame
Have your own predefined rules? Rules are stored in a JSON file with the following format. If you are familiar with truffleHog you already know how to use this. Example:
"Reason": "regex-rule"
yar -u username --rules PATH_TO_JSON_FILE
Don't like regex?
yar -u username --entropy
Want the best of both worlds?
yar -u username --both
Want to search as an authenticated user? Simply add your github token to environment variables.
usage: yar [-h|--help] [-o|--org "<value>"] [-u|--user "<value>"] [-r|--repo
"<value>"] [--rules <file>] [-c|--context <integer>] [-e|--entropy]
[-b|--both] [-n|--no-context] [-d|--debug]
Sail ye seas of git for booty is to be found
-h --help Print help information
-o --org Organization to plunder. Default:
-u --user User to plunder. Default:
-r --repo Repository to plunder. Default:
--rules JSON file containing regex rulesets. Default: rules.json
-c --context Show N number of lines for context. Default: 2
-e --entropy Search for secrets using entropy analysis. Default: false
-b --both Search by using both regex and entropy analysis. Default:
-n --no-context Only show the secret itself, similar to trufflehog's regex
output. Default: false
-d --debug
Yar is in active development and there are big plans for the near future.
- Filename of the file that contains the secret to the finding output.
- Environment variables for color customization of output.
- Add cleanup flag.
- Add contribution guidelines so strangers can take part in the project.
- Make yar concurrent and hopefully parallel.
- Redesign the findings output.
- Option to save the results in some specified format (JSON maybe?).
- Benchmarking.
- Testing.