a light javascript library to glue threejs and reactjs
Using npm
npm i @kunhuang09/react3d
In javascript
import {Scene, Camera, PointLight, Object3D, OrbitControls, Tween} from "@kunhuang09/react3d"
Here is a simple demo:
The corresponding jsx code:
<Scene width={width} height={height} style={{display:"block", margin: 0, cursor:"pointer"}}>
<button onClick= {this.onClickBtn}>tween animation</button>
<Camera fov={80} aspect={width/height} near={0.1} far={50} z={30}>
<PointLight y={200}/>
<PointLight x={100} y={200} z={100}/>
<PointLight x={-100} y={-200} z={-100}/>
<Object3D update={obj => {
obj.rotation.x += 0.005;
obj.rotation.y += 0.005;
<Cube wireframe={true}/>
<Tween data={this.state} view = {v => <Dodecahedron x={v.x} y={v.y}/>}/>