The data here are intended to be used in conjunction with the tutorial articles on our website for a comprehensive learning experience.
If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to reach out to us.
Happy learning! 🎉
👉 Data file: data_dh-tutorial_rse-ChiBksBefore1949-ThreadBound.xlsx
For the use in the following tutorials: "Learn Python From Zero For Absolute Beginner" Series
👉 Data file: data_china-period_1572-1949.xlsx
For the use in the following tutorials:
👉 Data file: notebook_hkust-azure-openai.ipynb
👉 Data file: data_rse-page-33952-scientific-illustrations.xlsx
For the use in the following tutorials:
👉 Data file: notebook_speech-to-text_Cantonese.ipynb
For the use in the following tutorials:
The HKUST Digital Humanities Initiative is a collaborative community aimed at bringing together faculty, library, and students to explore digital humanities skills and develop innovative digital projects. It bridges the gap between science and the humanities through digital methods and practices.