Jiangnan University
- Wuxi, Jiangsu, China
(UTC +08:00) - https://hli1221.github.io/
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infrared anf visible image fusion using latent low-rank representation
RGBD1K Public
Forked from xuefeng-zhu5/RGBD1KDataset for the paper "RGBD1K: A Large-scale Dataset and Benchmark for RGB-D Object Tracking".
LE2Fusion Public
Forked from draymondbiao/LE2FusionICIG2023, LE2Fusion: A novel local edge enhancement module for infrared and visible image fusion
SFPFusion Public
Forked from draymondbiao/SFPFusionSensors, 2023, SFPFusion: An Improved Vision Transformer Combining Super Feature Attention and Wavelet-Guided Pooling for Infrared and Visible Images Fusion
imagefusion-LRRNet Public
LRRNet (IEEE TPAMI 2023, Highly Cited Paper), Python 3.7, Pytorch >=1.8
imagefusion-rfn-nest Public
RFN-Nest(Information Fusion, 2021, Highly Cited Paper) - PyTorch =1.5,Python=3.7
MOTion-Estimator-MOTE- Public
Forked from AlbertZW/MOTion-Estimator-MOTE-Python MIT License UpdatedOct 5, 2022 -
imagefusion_densefuse Public
DenseFuse (IEEE TIP 2019, Highly Cited Paper) - Python 3.6, TensorFlow 1.8.0
MDLatLRRv2 Public
Forked from songxujay/MDLatLRRv2The original implementation of the paper "A Medical Image Fusion Method based on MDLatLRRv2"
MATLAB UpdatedJul 2, 2022 -
visualfusion-tutorial-icpr2022 Public
Forked from prci-jnu/visualfusion-tutorial-icpr2022ICPR 2022, Visual fusion tutorial
JavaScript The Unlicense UpdatedMay 4, 2022 -
Res2NetFuse Public
Forked from songxujay/Res2NetFuseThe implementation of the paper "Res2NetFuse: A Fusion Method for Infrared and Visible Images"
Imagefusion_deepfuse Public
Image fusion based on deepfuse network - Tensorflow (based on ICCV2017: deepfuse), Unofficial
imagefusion_deeplearning Public
VggML (ICPR 2018, Beijing)
DFAT Public
Forked from Zhangyong-Tang/DFAT-Information-Fusion2023The champion of VOT-RGBT2020 challenge.
1 UpdatedNov 8, 2021 -
imagefusion_mdlatlrr Public
MDLatLRR (IEEE TIP 2020, Highly Cited Paper), MatLab
ISDA-for-Deep-Networks Public
Forked from blackfeather-wang/ISDA-for-Deep-NetworksAn efficient implicit semantic augmentation method, complementary to existing non-semantic techniques.
Python UpdatedApr 23, 2021 -
imagefusion_dllrr Public
multi-focus image fusion using dictionary learning and low-rank representation(ICIG 2017, Shanghai)
imagefusion_resnet50 Public
ResNet-ZCA (Journal of Infrared Physics & Technology 2019, Highly Cited Paper), MatLab
imagefusion-nestfuse Public
NestFuse (IEEE TIM 2020, Highly Cited Paper)- Pytorch >= 0.4.1
rgbt-tracking-fsrpn Public
FSRPN (Fuison SiamRPN tracker) for RGBT tracking
imagefusion_noisy_lrr Public
multi-focus image fusion using low-rank representation
densefuse-pytorch Public
DenseFuse (TIP2019) - Pytorch 0.4.1
Wing-Loss Public
Forked from FengZhenhua/Wing-LossA Matlab Implementation for CNN-based Facial Landmark Localisation using Wing Loss
MATLAB Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 16, 2018 -
styletransfer Public
Forked from shenfalong/styletransferReal-time neural style transfer via meta networks
eos Public
Forked from patrikhuber/eosA lightweight 3D Morphable Face Model fitting library in modern C++11/14
avatar-net Public
Forked from LucasSheng/avatar-netAvatar-Net: Multi-scale Zero-shot Style Transfer by Feature Decoration
Python UpdatedMay 15, 2018 -
flownet2-pytorch Public
Forked from NVIDIA/flownet2-pytorchPytorch implementation of FlowNet 2.0: Evolution of Optical Flow Estimation with Deep Networks
Python Other UpdatedApr 11, 2018 -
PyTorch-Style-Transfer Public
Forked from zhanghang1989/PyTorch-Multi-Style-TransferNeural Style and MSG-Net
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedApr 7, 2018