A deep-learning based multi-modal data integration suite that aims to achieve synesis in a flexible manner
Spatial omic analysis toolbox for multi-resolution and multi-omic integration using image registration
Comparative Genomics Lab - Workshop on Genomics
mduchoslav / Evomics_Intro_to_R
Forked from janina-rinke/TeachingMaterials for practical "Introduction to R" tought at Workshop on Genomics in Český Krumlov
basic walk-throughs for alignment and variant calling from NGS sequencing data
Workshop on Genomics - Genomics Adventure
Materials for genome annotation sessions at the WORKSHOP ON GENOMICS, CESKY KRUMLOV
NGSEP is an integrated framework for analysis of short and long DNA high throughput sequencing reads. A complete list of functionalities is available in sourceforge (…
Python code to apply the PAM50 gene normalization as in PMID 38546612
A collection of modules that are combined into 1-5 day workshops on computational topics for the childhood cancer research community.
App that uses R shiny to build an interactive volcano plot
A website that displays hundreds of R charts with their code
scRNAseq analysis notes from Ming Tang
Example of run CytoSig and reproduce prediction results on bulk and single-cell cohorts
Ridge regression with a fast implementation of statistical significance test
scripts and notebooks from sanbomics
Collection of bioinformatics training materials
A Microsoft Word add-in for statchecking your manuscript.
R package providing various functions relevant for gene expression analysis with emphasis on breast cancer.