Current skillset inlcudes Python, Django, SQL (MySQL), TS and React.
- Wrote new code for:
- Video communication platform
- ETL processes for data analytics
- Integration with payment systems
- Developed existing one for:
- Booking sessions with psychologists
- Financial accounting
- Integration with payment systems
- Email and SMS-notifications
- Pricing and discounts
- Reviewed code of other developers
- Set up linters and formatters for Python codebase (black, isort, flake8, pre-commit)
- Upgraded testing infrastructure for unit testing in Python (pytest, mixer)
- Set up infrastructure for e2e-testing (Python, Playwright)
- Run sprint retrospectives
Over five years, I went from an intern to a EM of cross-functional team. During that time, I was able to accomplish many things, including:
- Wrote a large amount of code in Python (Django, Flask), JS (ExtJS, jquery), TS (Vue, React), and Kotlin (TornadoFX)
- Rebuilt the infrastructure for deploying projects using ansible
- Built the infrastructure for backend testing using pytest, factoryboy and hypothesis
- Developed mentorship program, onboarding process and one-on-ones
- Developed hiring processes
- Established the foundation for a knowledge base on products, projects, and processes
- Conducted numerous interviews for various roles (developers, QA, HR, designers, project managers)
- Represented the company at conferences
- Prepared and taught a Django development school
- Built a strong cross-functional team and developed processes within it
- Initiated monthly hackathons
Overall, I participated in many processes within the company and worked to improve existing ones or introduce new ones to make the company work better and more efficiently.