Basic project template developed in Unreal Engine using PaperZD and Blueprints
Click here to check the project demonstration video
(01/12/24) Player Movement.
- Player movement in four directions: Right, Left, Up, and Down.
- Player Animations: Idle, Run, and Sword Attack
(01/14/24) Implementing an enemy and the player's attack.
- Player Attack hitbox with the sword in four directions (right, left, up, and down).
- A simple enemy that pursues the player within the navmesh.
- The enemy now displays animations corresponding to its current state: (idle, moving, taking damage, and dead).
- The color of the enemy sprite will change when it takes damage.
- Life system for the enemy, including the ability to take damage and die.
- A floating indicator shows the amount of damage the player has dealt to the enemy.
- Upon dealing damage to the enemy, the player's camera will now shake.
(01/15/24) Health Bar and Player Damage
- Implementation of a Health Bar widget that displays the player's health.
- In the Health Bar, the current amount of health has been added alongside the player's maximum health.
- Addition of an effect on the Health Bar that highlights in yellow the amount of damage received.
- Inclusion of a blood effect in full screen and on the ground near the player, indicating that the player has taken some damage.
(01/16/24) Coin System
- Creation of the coin blueprint class.
- Coin "floating" effect on the ground.
- Effect upon collecting the coin.
- Creation of a widget that will display the amount of coins collected by the player.
(01/19/24) Sign System and Player Interact
- Player Interact Input.
- Implementation of a new interface that will handle player interactions.
- Creation of a new actor "Sign" that will allow the inclusion of text information for players to read when approaching and interacting with the sign.
- Creation of a blueprint widget to display the sign text on the player's screen.
- Typewriter effect during text display. The Typewriter effect plugin was used for this purpose.
- Paper2D
- PaperZD
- Typewriter effect
- 100% Blueprints
- Unreal Engine 5.2
Download this project and open it by clicking on the "BaseTopDown2D.uproject" file.
Notice: This project is not finished. I plan to add new features soon.
All the arts for this project were downloaded for free through the itch.io website.
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