6dof Arm Robot Car is my final project assignment for my embedded system college course. It is an instrument that can pick up, move and put items from one position to another, This device has actuators, namely 4 DC motors to move places and a 6dof robot arm to move objects consisting of 6 servo motors connected on frames. Unlike the existing robotic arm, controlling this instrument is done using an Arduino microcontroller and a Single Board Computer (SBC) NVIDIA Jetson Nano. The addition of the SBC component makes the instrument controllable via joystick input media by connecting SBC and Arduino using the rosserial_arduino communication protocol in the Robot Operating System (ROS) framework. This connection also allows the instrument to experience additional features such as wireless remote control and the addition of a camera component for remote monitoring features.
ROS ArmRobotCar explanation video for my embedded system final project assignment:
- joy, http://wiki.ros.org/joy
- rosserial_arduino, http://wiki.ros.org/rosserial_arduino
- cv_bridge, http://wiki.ros.org/cv_bridge
- OpenCV 4.5.2, https://docs.opencv.org/4.5.2/
- Tkinter
- Manual Move
- Controller Move
- Save Point
- Move to Save Point
- Dc Motor
Hardware list : https://github.com/hnslmp/armrobotcar_ros/blob/master/documents/Component%20List.csv
Total Cost: Approx 260 USD
Date: 07/04/2021