Evil Hunter Tycoon auto made by C# and ADB
A tool with GUI aim for auto in EHT. With feature to killing bosses, farming rune and exporation areas with teddy.
- opencv_ffmpeg341.dll
- opencv_ffmpeg343.dll
- msvcp140.dll
- vcruntime140.dll
- Emgu.CV.World.dll
- concrt140.dll
- cvextern.dll
- Android debug bridge
- Git clone
- Open Project with Visual Studio
- Click start button, default it scan for bosses and start killing it.
- Only farm rune radio button is option to skip boss and farming rune.
- Dropdown box with 4 selection is where to go in exploration areas with your teddy, let is blank mean skip it.
Image with be update soon
Your device must run with 1080x1920 (dpi 480) options Make sure to enable debug ADB in your device. This script only running in Vietnamese language so pls change the language to VN.
- 0.1
- Initial Release