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Analytic Functions and Partial Differential Equations in iRRAM

The library provides the class templates for continuous function types and PDE solving.

Installation instructions

The library is header only, no installation is required.

The only dependency is the iRRAM framework for exact real computation.

Usage examples can be found in the test folder. To compile them the provided Makefile has to be adapted to your environment (e.g. the path to the irram installation has to be updated).


The library provides PDE solvers that operate on power series and analytic function types. The class template for power series is defined in powerseries.h:

template<unsigned int d, class T>
class Powerseries { ... }

Which stands for a d dimensional power series with coefficient type T around some fixed center.

The simplest way to construct a power series is by directly providing the coefficient series:

Powerseries<d,T>(const std::function<T(const Multiindex<d>&)>& coeff_fun, const vector<T,d>& center, const REAL& r, const REAL& M)

The REAL parameters r and M have to be a coefficient bound for the series.

A more practical way is to use the functional template provided in cinfinity.h.

template<unsigned int d, class T>
class Cinfinity { ... }

Cinfinity is used for infinitely often differentiable functions where the sequence of derivatives around any point can be computed. It provides the operations

void set_center(const vector<T,d>& new_center)
T get_derivative(const Multiindex<d>& index) const{

get_derivative returns the value of the partial derivative with degree index at the current center which can be updated with set_center. When get_derivative is called the derivatives are cached until the center is updated, thus enabling accessing the same derivative multiple times efficiently.

Operations on Cinfinity are implemented as pointer trees (using the class template CinfinityPtr which is a wrapper around a smart pointer to Cinfinity). Currently, operators +, -, *, / are overloaded and implement the arithmetic operations. Further function composition and a partial derivative operator are implemented.

A Cinfinity object can be constructed by providing the derivative function that returns partial derivatives at any point. E.g. the sine function over the type REAL can be defined by using iRRAM's built-in sin and cos functions as follows

Cinfinity<1,REAL> sine([] (const Multiindex<1>& m, const vector<REAL,1>& x) {
                                                 switch(k % 4){
                                                 case 0:
                                                   return sin(x[0]);
                                                 case 1:
                                                   return cos(x[9]);
                                                 case 2:
                                                   return -sin(x[0]);
                                                 case 3:default:
                                                   return cos(x[0]);

Cinfinity can then be used to generate a Powerseries around any center by additionally providing M and r:

template<unsigned int d, class T>
PS_ptr<d,T> to_powerseries(const CinfinityPtr<d,T>& f, const vector<T,d>& center, const REAL& r, const REAL& M)

The library further provides Matrix and vector classes which are used to define matrix-valued functions MVFunction and power series PSMatrix with point-wise operations on them.

The file diffop.h defines differential operators over matrix-valued function coefficients and over constant matrix coefficients.

For analytic functions on the unit hypercube analytic.h provides a class template

template<unsigned int d, class T>
class ANALYTIC { ... }

which consists of two integer (!) parameters M and L and a d-dimensional array of powerseries each with parameters M and r=1/L that cover the hypercube.

There also is a function

  template<unsigned int d, class T>
  ANALYTIC<d,T> to_analytic(const CinfinityPtr<d,T> f, const int L, const int M)

that automatically constructs an Analytic object from Cinfintiy for given parameters L and M.

PDE solving

PDE solvers for Cauchy-Kovalevskaya type linear PDEs are contained in pde.h There are two main function templates

  template<unsigned int e, unsigned int d, class T>
  std::array<Powerseries<1,T>, e> solve_pde(const DifferentialOperator<d,e,T>& D, const MVFunction<d,e,1,REAL>& v, const vector<T,d>& x, const REAL& r, const REAL& M) 

  template<unsigned int e, unsigned int d, class T>
  std::array<Powerseries<1,T>, e> solve_pde_constant(const ConstantDifferentialOperator<d,e,T>& D, const MVFunction<d,e,1,REAL>& v, const vector<T,d>& x, const REAL& r, const REAL& M)

Both of them take a differential operator (which should only contain first order partial derivatives), an analytic initial value function v, a point x and parameters r and M that are a coefficient bound for v and all functions that occur in the definition of the differential operator. The second function only differs by the first one by that the Differential Operator only has constant matrix coefficients which allows a slightly faster evaluation.

For the heat equation the file fourier.h contains the transformation between power series and fourier series. It is used in the implementation of the solution for the heat equation in the file in the test folder.


For testing and evaluating the running time of our implementation, we provide some example files in the test subfolder.

The file can be used to test the Cauchy-Kovalevskaya algorithm on several simple examples defined in pde_examples.h.

For each example you can choose a time t and vector x where the solution should be evaluated. Further, you can either choose the output precision and output the solution or choose the number of iRRAM iterations to evaluate the dependency of precision to running time. In the second case no output is displayed but instead for each iteration, it outputs working precision, the resulting error bound for the solution value and the running time for the iteration.

The file contains the same examples but does not use irram (so choosing precision and iteration number is not necessary). All REAL entities are replaced by double and it outputs the result in double precision.

In both cases the initial value function v is given by

v(x,y) = (sin(0.5y), sin(x)+sin(0.5y), 0.3)

for the 2d acoustics equation and

v(x,y,z) = (sin(0.5y), 0.2, 0.3, sin(0.5y)*sin(0.3x), sin(0.5x)+sin(0.5y)+sin(0.3z), 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9)

for the 3d elasticity equation.

The file contains the solver for the heat equation. The input and output is similar to the one of but additionally asks for an integer parameter m and The initial value function is given by

v(x) = 2^m * sin(2^*(m+1)pi*x).

The data folder contains some experimental results.


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