- Edinburgh, UK
- Pro
rse-course Public
Forked from alan-turing-institute/rse-courseMaterials for The Alan Turing Institute's Research Software Engineering course
Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedNov 22, 2022 -
reinforcement-learning-an-introduction Public
Forked from ShangtongZhang/reinforcement-learning-an-introductionPython Implementation of Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 1, 2021 -
GNNPapers Public
Forked from thunlp/GNNPapersMust-read papers on graph neural networks (GNN)
UpdatedFeb 22, 2021 -
python-cheatsheet Public
Forked from gto76/python-cheatsheetComprehensive Python Cheatsheet
Python UpdatedFeb 19, 2021 -
spektral Public
Forked from danielegrattarola/spektralGraph Neural Networks with Keras and Tensorflow 2.
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 3, 2021 -
neural_network Public
A Neural Network from scratch to show implementation of the error backpropagration algorithm. You can read my article for details, https://towardsdatascience.com/error-backpropagation-5394d33ff49b
homemade-machine-learning Public
Forked from trekhleb/homemade-machine-learning🤖 Python examples of popular machine learning algorithms with interactive Jupyter demos and math being explained
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedOct 1, 2020 -
PRML algorithms implemented in Python
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJul 2, 2020 -
PRML Public
Forked from amber-kshz/PRMLPython implementations (on jupyter notebook) of algorithms described in the book "PRML"
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMay 24, 2020 -
metaprogramming Public
some TMP from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZThiFvFaZPA
C++ UpdatedFeb 22, 2020 -
coding-interview-university Public
Forked from jwasham/coding-interview-universityA complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International UpdatedJan 2, 2020 -
super-resolution Public
Forked from krasserm/super-resolutionKeras-based implementation of WDSR, EDSR and SRGAN for single image super-resolution
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 15, 2019 -
EDSR-Keras Public
Forked from Golbstein/EDSR-KerasEDSR Super Resolution in Keras
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMay 29, 2019 -
Breakout Public
An implementation of Breakout by from JoeyDeVries's learnopengl.com. Going to add genetic algorithm for self-play
C UpdatedMay 8, 2019 -
bullet3 Public
Forked from bulletphysics/bullet3Bullet Physics SDK: real-time collision detection and multi-physics simulation for VR, games, visual effects, robotics, machine learning etc.
C++ Other UpdatedFeb 5, 2019 -
awesome_3DReconstruction_list Public
Forked from openMVG/awesome_3DReconstruction_listA curated list of papers & ressources linked to 3D reconstruction from images.
UpdatedJan 11, 2019 -
CtCI-6th-Edition-cpp Public
Forked from careercup/CtCI-6th-Edition-cppCracking the Coding Interview 6th Ed. C++ Solutions
C++ UpdatedJan 8, 2019 -
gravitysimv2 Public
A 3D-mock visualization of how massive objects warps space (with CGAL)
gravitysim Public
A 3D-mock visualization of how massive objects warps space!